Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Wednesday Jan. 24, 2007 - more beaches, more waves

[written & published at Kamaole Sands, Kihei, Maui]

clear, waves bigger today (does that mean surf’s up?), high around 78F, NE breeze 10- 15 mph.

yesterday . . BUSY . . a conference call on the beach, some email traffic regarding new business, talked to some friends at home, explored residential areas of Kihei and Wailea, a 2 hour massage - I found great comfort on Davika’s table yesterday (move over Eva, you may have been replaced as my favorite), had a long walk in bright sunshine with strong breeze blowing along Sugar Beach (for those on the muser publication list, scroll down for photo … north of Kihei as the coast bends toward Ma’alaea . . I only covered ¼ of it . . more another time, the beach is long and smooth as were the waves), postponed golf game because shoulder is still hurting (hence need for the massage), picked up some groceries, did a load of laundry . . ho-hum . . routine day in paradise, early to bed last night because I forgot to take a nap

shoulder still sore . . no golf today . . maybe another massage would be in order!

someone suggested yesterday that I was a little over-the-top regarding wave/beach comments and that the sensual innuendo was too obvious; now pay attention . . I wasn’t over the top, I was just getting warmed up

the messages available (if we want to take them) from nature … be that critter survival, vegetation cycles or behaviour of the weather, there are countless lessons learned over millions of years we might do well to learn from . . that is how I view it

or, maybe I am just looking for examples that support my views - whatever . . there is too much to enjoy, appreciate and think about here to waste time with critics who are mired in their own stuff

waves don’t leave a beach for a smoother shore, for softer more pliant sand from which to make more little beaches; the waves are strong yet when they crash they crash on themselves – taking that blow – before flowing gently onto their receptive beach

sometimes waves bring things, leaving gifts of driftwood, coral and smooth rocks to help build a bigger more stable beach, sometimes they make music, sometimes they are calm, sometimes they are in a rage

these beaches have, I think, a feminine nature - the waves hang out with other waves and act more like guys; the beach and wave are so much like men and women in relationships it is difficult to understand unless you are standing right there as waves wash past you, then retreat swirling around your ankles . .

a beach doesn’t complain that its soft warm sand got mussed by choppy water the other day because the calm waters sooth and smooth the surface as they bring back more sand; the waves pay homage to the beach 24/7, 365 days a year, millennium in, millennium out . . now THAT is a committed relationship

I wonder if anyone has ever walked around the entire island on a beach .. then written a book about it . . hhhmm . . now that’s worth further thought

back from my walk, papaya and coffee and a bagel, blue sky and a view of the water (through the palm trees and condos) . . the waves are resting till I come back to watch their show again

Aloha from Maui . . may your day be as ordinary as another routine day in paradise, I’m embracing it

time for a nap . . or a beach walk . . or a drive . . or to curl up with a book

Mark Kolke

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