I receive your "musings" every morning and while I sometimes I go speedreading very quickly through, I always note what your Gusta is doing -- love dogs and thought that there are few precious ones in this set of photos -- I tend to do the "aah" thing at the puppies -- little bugs and pigs leave me cold but there you go -- Enjoy Hawaii -- hope your flight provides you some "ZZZZZZZZZZZ" time, SB, ?
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Happy New Year Mark! Very touching muse today. After 20 years, I still cherish memories of my Dad every day as he was my inspiration in business and in life. If he were still here, he would say in his best John Wayne imitation, "move 'em along" and I guess we all do. Take advantage of the time while it's there. Cheers and swing sweetly in Hawaii!, JD, Vancouver
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Your Musings today hit home for me. I have been thinking a lot about my Dad lately. Next month will be 10 years since he's "been gone", and I think of him everyday. But specifically to your comments about him struggling with saying something affectionate really hit home. My Dad was like that as well, but I had made a conscious choice to tell him how I felt about him before that final day arrive. It was uncomfortable at first, but after some time, it got easier...for both of us. We ended every conversation (he lived out of town so our conversations were mostly on the phone) with some form of verbal affection for each other. When the end did finally come, my siblings and I were lucky enough to sit with my Dad and say what we needed to say to him before he passed and he was comfortable enough to share his feelings with each of us. That final conversation, although not easy, was comfortable for my Dad and I because of our previous conversations. Never, ever stop telling people how you feel about them. MW-Calgary
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Looking forward to seeing you again!, DE, Makawao
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:28 p.m.