Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Wednesday Dec. 20, 2006 – impossibilities
-3C/26F, heavy overcast obscured any hint of a sunrise this morning as another mild day begins; Gusta cannot understand why I don’t let her off leash when it is so dark – she can find her way easily in the dark just with her nose but without flashing lights I would never be able to follow her; maybe I should get her lights?
I had great conversations with SA, LR, SK & SH yesterday + a number of ‘catching up’ emails from a lot of musers . . thank you all; I’ll be heading up to Banff later to meet SK and her son for a bite to eat – it seems their ski holiday is going just great so far
how do we get what we want when what we want is a change in someone else’s behaviour?
I wonder about this a bit; I see so many people who see the secret of being happy being to have someone else make a change but, should that person change as is desired, I wonder if they (either of them) would be happy
accepting people and circumstances the way they are is the best course most of the time, trying to change things we have some degree of control over is laudible . . not often possible, but worth noting because someone cares a lot and wants to help someone they care about
but what is our power to change another person?
nothing, nadda, no way, zilch, zippo, sqwat, impossible
all we can hope for, and I think it is a slim hope, is that we can behave in a way and control the things we have control over to set the tone, to create an environment in which that change might be easier to accommodate . . but we should keep our sticky fingers off the issues that are really someone else’s business to change, or not to change
“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” – Maureen Dowd
yesterday was full and I have been pulling out my remaining hair from having the nerve to even begin conversations with car dealers . . but that is another story for a foul language day; I think strangling the guy would be excessive . . but Marcus Aurelius helped me laugh about it:
"When you are outraged by somebody's impudence, ask yourself at once, 'Can the world exist without impudent people?' It cannot; so do not ask for impossibilities."
acceptance . . calm . . acceptance . . calm . . repeat, repeat, repeat