Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sunday Dec. 24, 2006 – perfect day
-9C/17F, solitude all around, stillness everywhere, not so much as a ‘thought of a cloud’ in the sky as we walked just before sunrise – perfection; Gusta gaining confidence as she moves from snow to glare ice and back again on the lagoon mixing a gallop with intermittent skids
MW (Calgary) celebrates her birthday – best wishes for your foot & back to have you going strong again soon
Carla and Krista arrived yesterday in time for us to hang out for the afternoon at the mall finishing up some shopping and some eating followed by a three hour sit seeing The Good Shepherd . . good acting but I found the plot slow and not all that interesting
what makes a perfect day perfect, how does one perfect the perfect day?
a cloudless sky, peace and calm, a day with family, a day of rest, Christmas dinner, a day of work, a day of play, a walk on a Maui beach (twenty-four days counting down), and on and on I go
there so many things that happen that one could call ‘perfect’, like a special moment with a dear friend or a total stranger, a great idea, a robust argument, a deal that closes, the ups and downs of ‘learning opportunities’ . . each time those things happen, it is a perfect day
this afternoon and evening I will be with my dog, my dad, my daughters for turkey dinner and laughter; we have our little traditions, the things we do, they way we do them – the laughter, the play, the gifts, the dinner, the Trivial Pursuit finale . .
each year I wonder how many more we will have like this, how many years my dad has left to be part of it, but the variables that will unfold in my daughters' lives is part of that equation too; so many things inevitably change - some others, if I had control over it, I would never change
Carla and Krista are heading back to Edmonton tomorrow AM to spend the day with their mother and her mother . . so today will be our ‘perfect day’; it seems not to matter when we celebrate it but I recognize how empty this week would be if we did not celebrate it . . celebrate it together
I am about to do one of my favorite activities, preparing and stuffing the Christmas turkey - then we'll let the oven do the work so we can take off to the gym before spending the afternoon snacking and wrapping gifts before we launch into our annual meal about 6PM; preparation eight hours, consumption twelve minutes . . this perfect day is perfect
if I could have only one perfect day each year, I pick this one every time