Saturday, December 23, 2006
Saturday Dec. 23, 2006 – nearly ready
I’m nearly ready . . a big fresh 11kg./24 lb turkey is in the fridge, ready to be roasted tomorrow; my daughters will be here early this afternoon . .
few people overcome adversity with as much zeal or laugh as easily at troubles; happy birthday to LR (Irvine) now, precariously, 365 days away from the big five-O
a cease work/start to relax mode overtook me at 3PM yesterday, shopping for groceries, calls from friends and firming plans for the next few days rounded out my day; I caught a movie . . Finding HappYness . . last night with GT, heartwarming feel-good flick based on a true story of someone who overcame adversity by the truckload
we live in a world in which we can live vicariously through others; there is not an emotion, not an experience we cannot find through google, hear about it in a song or find a movie that tells the story or, better yet, a shelf of books telling us just how to deal with that particular thing, feeling or experience
I don’t advocate we all go out and experience a brain tumour in order to learn what that is like – for that, books are fine; what I mean is that we talk about, around and about a lot of experiences far more easily than we try to experience them because it is so much easier
when I think about it, really think about it, seeking hard and exploring everywhere or everyone I encounter rarely yields great results; in business, in play, in any pursuit, the things we seek may be right in front of us if only we take the time to see them
exploring inside – intellectual spelunking I suppose – thinking we know the territory then learning maybe we don’t, bumping into things in the dark . . not knowing if we will find some ‘Lost Horizon’ utopia or descend into some dark place just around the corner from despair and across the path from pain, perhaps stepping up to a place where joy, happiness and fulfillment intersect
there is never a good or bad time for self-examination but I have found the times when we can combine relaxation, the warmth of family and laughter, memories of good times, then it is a good time
we can look around for answers or we can look inside ourselves; may you find ones that you need to find - I’ve found a few but it seems I want to keep looking; I think that makes me better than I used to be, helps me strive for the things I seek
like most things that interest us, pursuing something a little leads to pursuing it a lot – getting a taste of what we seek is not enough, we want the full meal deal, getting a sense of something new or a new approach to something important has us craving to see it all in the light of day . . . the mystery dispelled
taking time to appreciate the difficulties some people face is easy –we can do it a handful or words or sit through a movie or watch a hundred re-runs of It’s A Wonderful Life, but what is that, really?
when is that last time you sat down just to think for an hour?
are you nearly ready to try?
when is the last time you really examined how you feel about yourself or about someone else?
are you nearly ready to try?
our pace is so rapid, our attention divided among so many things – who has time to be still, be solitary, be aware of ourselves and of our feelings?
are you nearly ready to try?
today is the first of 10 in a row where I have that time, where that rest and quiet from the day-to-day pace allows time to explore inside a little
are you nearly ready to try?