Just want to wish everyone in Musing land a very best for December. And I hope you all have a great New Years too! Here in L.A. (Lethbridge, Alberta) the weather is still proving to be the very best in Canada - so no need to go south for the Winter! No hurricanes, no tornados, no floods, no blizzards, no tsunamis! Best wishes to everyone reading the Musings. Cheers! BC - Coaldale
Good morning: you seem particularly sensitive to idiots right now, examples demonstrate that 8 out of 10 encounters can involve an idiot. Our only salvation is to recognize when we ARE one and spend the following moments in compassion and change. Listen to the Dali LLama, listen to your dog, wait and watch for signs of change. M in Missoula
Your comments on Idiotopia and idiots in general created much laughter today … no doubt because I agree with you 100%. Warm wishes for Christmas and great “happenings” for 2007, Mark, B?, Calgary
Are there charitable thoughts for parents whose children choose paths that diverge significantly from their parents' life life choices. Many suffer enough already. Adult children make their own decisions and the rest of us should not cooperate when adults try to slough responsibility for their own decisions off on their parents. Possibly one of your readers has a better answer for these situations. If so I would love to share it with the many people who tried to raise sons to respect people including women and now find that their adult sons don't respect women enough to tell women up front what their plans are. And that answer night also be interesting to parents whose daughters, despite negative experiences, continue to enter relationships with dishonest men who use silence as a tool of disrespect when the parents tried to teach that communicating honestly is important. Parents are only one influence in a child's life. Mark there is a lot of pain out there, LHE, Calgary
If you find that idiot repellent, I would like to purchase some. I am so tired of dealing with those who have no consideration for their fellow citizens. Yesterday as I was heading to my home after a foray into downtown I chose to head south on 10th Street S.W. from 17th Avenue. I noted a female jogger on the side of the very narrow street heading toward me and a car also coming toward me. I pulled over to the right and stopped leaving about 2 feet between my car and those parked on the right side so both the jogger and the car could go past with me hitting them or them hitting me. As the jogger went by my car she smashed her fist into the bodywork so I was aware of her displeasure. This complete intolerance of others is demonstrated every day by pedestrians who ignore lights and continue to stroll across streets giving drivers not time to make their turns etc.; and by drivers who don't signal, who change lanes improperly and often illegally and who appear not to even know how to make a proper left or right hand turn. On one occasion I followed a Calgary police vehicle that made an illegal left hand turn crossing into the curb lane (not an emergency situation either). Maybe it's the pace of our society that breeds this intolerance, but it would be nice to think that we all can take the time to think about how what we do affects those with whom we exist in this city, province, country, continent or planet. Have a great Christmas and New Year (despite those idiots who would also take this away for whatever reason)!!, DW, Calgary
Mark, the prerequisite to live in a world without idiots would be to live in a world without mirrors. We have all been to Idiotville more often than we would care to admit. Time permitting, I will continue to read and appreciate your daily musingand responses. Thanks!, RM, Cranbrook
I expect you'll be sued soon from someone on Baffin Island. ch, Chimacum
Glad you touched on this topic. The fellow in front of me was very drunk in the Safeway this morning, staggering and all. At 11:00 am. He actually chugged a beer right there in the checkout line. You can't buy beer at the Safeways in Canada. It didn't occur to me to be upset or angry until afterwards when I was driving home with my 10 month old son watching for drunk drivers. I think you're right about everyone having their place, their purpose in the world. I haven't stopped thinking about this man all day. He spurred a myriad of thoughts on depression at the Holidays, alcohol abuse, drunk drivers... he was there to tell me something. Thank God for the idiots, SS, Calgary
I know, I know. I know I promised to write or call but ... (insert excuses) That said, I wanted to let you know that I am going to South Africa on Monday and I am looking forward to the time spent with my family and friends. It has been about two years since I was last there when I buried my mom so this trip will hopefully be a happier one for me. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all good things to you and yours for the New Year. Thanks and best wishes to you and yours, PG, Calgary
Hi – I was at the mall briefly yesterday to do banking. The parking lot could have been idiotopia, couldn’t get out of my space because people on both sides wanted it and were not giving an inch either way. Today I set my intentions to “pay it forward” with pleasantness. Put money in a persons parking meter who chased me down to by me a coffee. Had a lovely visit with a senior gentleman, I had forgotten that there were any gentlemen in this country. Must run to the mall, DB, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:15 p.m.