Hi Mark, Best wishes the Holly Days! Thank you for the warm wishes. A warm weather holiday sounds like a great escape. Enjoy. Life is busy and full of wonder. Golf season now your talking...just have to wait for a thaw. Not much new here looking forward to some time off during the holidays to put my feet up and enjoy a few good books and family. Enjoy the sun and sand...I miss it! Blessing for Christmas, KG, Osoyoos
There is such a thing as flashing dog collars. Type in "laser collar" or "flashing dog collars" and you'll get a variety of sites which sell collars that are easy to track in the dark. Make it your Christmas present to her. It will keep you both safe. Happy walking with Gusta!, LR, Irvinr
wow what a surprise! i haven’t had a mark blog since you changed over to blog or right after.......so hello mark! it is funny that you talk about wanting others to change for that is part of the greater lessons that i am learning again this year. the biggest even bigger than wanting them to change is......acknowledging red flags when i see them, with friends, relationships, and work. i cant speak for anyone else, but i think i was taught to ignore them, that anything can and will be dealt with. but as i get older i find that in most cases i am the one who was given the warning flags and then chose to ignore them; so why should it be someone else’s problem that i cannot deal with the behavior or whatever? at any rate my solution (if you can call it that) i tell whomever my concerns the first time it happens, not after i am angry the 20th time. i say that i will attempt to work around something that makes me uncomfortable, or that i cannot do that. the ultimate outcome is that all involved are aware of my feelings from the gitgo. sometimes this leaves the door open for dialogue and of course sometimes it doesn’t, but i have tried leave a safe place rather than a place of anger to discuss things later. this is a big change for me, and while others think it is weird, i find that generally it works. happy holidays mark from kg in van nuys CA
You can get really inexpensive LED lights that flash or have a continuous on function from Mountain Equipment Co-op. They are called turtle lights, cost about $3.50 and come in white or red. They use an elastic type of attachment that you can quickly loop around her collar and then loop the light through. If you are on City pathways you should have a light on you as well. Pedestrians and cyclists all need to be lit up or wear reflective clothing when using the pathways while it is dark. Have a great day!, SA, Calgary
Good musings! Thanks. Food for thought, LG, Calgary
Hi Mark. Thanks for the birthday wish. Things are going very well for me. I met a wonderful man last year, and life is good. I hope things are fine with you - I'll have to check out your blog one of these days. Take care and have a very Merry Christmas!, TJ, Saskatoon
Hi Mark, I've been off your list for a long time. Were you thinking of me or was it a cyber-quirk? I do salute you for putting it out there every day. Best, H?, Winnipeg
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:03 p.m.