You deserve the down time and rest. We all reach a point where we just need some time alone in a subdued state. It is easy to get lot’s accomplished when we are feeling upbeat and full of energy. It is the truly dedicated that can still get things accomplished when they are lacking energy and motivation. You have the responsibility (self imposed) of providing witty and insightful thoughts that help motivate thousands of others, impressive……..even on a bad day! Take Care, MW, Calgary
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I marvel at your ability to remain so consistent with your musings. I imagine sometimes that you have a million post-its on a board in front of your desk, as I did when I was in University, to relieve the writers-block when it strikes like a harsh wind, leaving you out of breath. As for what inspires me, my son does, every day, seeing the world through new eyes, discovering things like how hard you can splash water in the tub or what a piece of fruit tastes like for the first time. I worked with kids for nearly 11 years and find this to be an amazing source of inspiration. They allow us to see the world through new eyes, to marvel at simple discoveries. It reminds me to take pleasure in the simple things in life. It's a refreshing changefrom the inner demons. I think it helps to balance out the complexity, SS, Calgary
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Hi – you sounded low in your musings. Maybe low light, low immunity, low energy but not your usual self at all. I am back at work, well rested and working on next terms assignments. I may as well get things done while I have some time. Reading an awesome book I think you would like called SHAM, I would give the author’s name but I have apparently lost it in my piles of books and papers. This is the time I like the best in school, new books. I still haven’t decided on my Leadership book but I have had Presence by Peter Senge come highly recommended by a couple of people. I will keep you posted. I am revisiting Covey but I keep coming to the “oh for crying out loud” point and then I put down. Not sure what irritates me about it but I think its what the author is taking about in SHAM. Rest, get yourself healthy and be grateful, Big Hug, DB, Red Deer
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Hi Mark: You sound sad and lonely. Want to come over for a pizza and DVD tonight? MH, Calgary
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Hi Mark, it's my first feedback to you, although I enjoy reading your daily thoughts very much. What gets me up?? When all else fails, hope remains, and when my hope is faltering, dimming, and seems hard to reach, I read about the hope of others...others who, compared to me, have had no reason to maintain their hope. And yet they still do, despite poverty, suppression, threats, ill health, persecution, and a host of other circumstances the world has bestowed upon them. To lift yourself up, you need only to step out of your world into that of another fellow human, whose spirit shines with hope despite it all, JR, Olds
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I don’t even know how you ended up in my mail box. Here you are a commitment to share your morning thoughts with us or yourself while you write them. Today since many days had past I choose to read your words Mark. I am lost some mornings in fear that time is slipping by and some days I wake up in thrill of the beauty which surrounds me. I promised no matter how I feel I take my golden retriever Taho to the ocean. Sometime in the mist, sometime in the rain. It has been so dark and I too ache for Dec 21 when the sun will slowly take a hold of the day again .. minute by minute. Could it be that our only job is to be at aw with the worlds beauty....letthe sadness and thirst for isolation flow through us...not lingering long so the sun can shine inside of us. Today I think of you. And honour you for all these words you have written.. if you wanted to or not. This is my first note. Ambleside Beach is where I live and walk my 8 year old Golden. Taho is one who loves to play with all humans and all kind dogs .. for I love to talk to all humans...wonder what makes them sad and happy .. and who I can be to let them know they are beautiful. I work in an office tower .. hooked into Toronto office world .. working away to move projects forward. I am a full time student in learning to understand or gain knowledge of this interesting world.... Ha sounds funny writing it .. and it is true!! I am turning 41 in 7 days .. time to ponder the moment of now...SH, Toronto
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Re: unreasonable seasonal greetings - Dec. 15 musing . . Isn't legislating the removal of the tree unfair to someone?, RC, Calgary
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So SAD to hear you like this! While you don't sound like the Mark I know, it's good to know that you experience the same vulnerabilities, disappointments and stress responses known to the rest of us. Recognize your Humaness and celebrate it. Row your own boat until you reach the shore. Seasonal Affective Disorder runs rampant this time of year, Christmas celebrations exacerbate those feelings. I recommend Medical attention if your fatigue persists for greater than 2 weeks or becomes complicated with more serious symptoms. This year is different for me and I will not be visiting the SAD place. New person, new events, new celebrations enhance what I already have. I look forward to the celebrations, all the people in my life and the events of the next week JOYfully! rnRN, Calgary
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Merry Christmas Mark. Despite your gloomy thoughts, you look good, SX, Calgary
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I'm a basket case!! - Hoping you are feeling better tonight than you were this you think that the "blues" go with the season? I am blue today - and have been all week - and will continue to be "hidden, inside me" throughout the Christmas season. My "baby" has just left with his gal and they are driving to Yellowknife where he will spend Christmas with her and her family and then drive home. And yes, I know that as a mother I should not be selfish and that I knew when I gave birth that there would be a time when all my boys would not be home with me for Christmas. And yes, I know it is only one day that they are with me. And yes, I should be thankful that they have been home with me up until now and they have chosen to be with me. And yes, I should be thankful that they are healthy and happy and yes, I know it could "always be worse". But I'm the mom....and I have a right to be blue....he's my baby and he and I went through some tough times together. I know he is happy and doing what he wants to be doing....and I know also that I am a wonderful mom and that he loves me. It's not only that he will be gone - but that they are driving 20+ hours, in the dark and he will then return home and drive by himself 20+ hours back. Of course I've done the list - do you have money? do you have cash? do you have an extra fan belt, oil, food, candles, flares, boots, mitts, cell phone charger, AMA??? and the answers were yes, yes and yes .... Later today, after tears, after wandering the house, after going to town for coffee and wandering Superstore ( the store that I detest but it is big enough to waste some time in), I came home to balance my cheque book (yes, I do the penny, I might add!) and there in my wallet was this poem.....which I had copied but don't know the author. - "Kites" -
"I see children as kites.
You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.
You run with them unitl you are both breathless.
They crash----
You add a longer tail----
They hit the roof.
You pluck them out of the spout
You patch and comfort
Adjust and teach them
You watch them lifted by the wind
And assure them that------
Someday they'll fly.
Finally they are airborne
But they need more string
And you keep letting it out
And with every twist of the ball of twine
There is sadness that grows with the joy
Because the kite becomes more distant.
And somehow you know
That it won't be long before that beautiful creature
Will snap that lifeline that bound you together
And soar as it was meant to soar
Free and alone
And only then do you know that you did your job."
(initials withheld on request)
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OK, let's pretend (hmm) that you are a device for thought transmission and receiving. Your brain is the dial for fine tuning what you transmit and receive. OK, use your tuning device to filter out the negative thoughts and to find the right channels for positive thoughts. OK, listen for the static and discomfort of unhappiness evidenced in your mind and body as they are clues to fine tuning. OK, practice this fine tuning for as long as it takes and eventually you can become a nothing-but-joy device. OK? ch, Chimacum
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Maybe I can help you up..... I was up at 7:00a.m. this gorgeous Sunday morning....had my famous protein shake, then off to the gym. Spent 90 minutes at the gym doing mostly a cardio workout and bopping to MUCH music. Had an awesome workout! I washed my car and came home to make my daughter and her boyfriend our usual Sunday morning Banana Pancake ritual breakfast. I feel absolutely great (didn't always)....and why???? Because while I'm having my "shake" or driving to the gym, or boppin to the music....I concentrate on everything wonderful in my life.... I recently watched the movie/documentary "The Secret"'s a must!!! It has changed my focus and vision entirely. Since watching it I have developed my "Vision Board" or as some call it a "Focus Board". I spent a day printing out pictures of all that is important to me in my life...what I value and what my goals are. It puts a visual to my vision. I completed the Board over the weekend and focus or concentrate on it for at least several minutes every day. It is sooo uplifting, invigorating, and inspiring. I feel so great....I'm exercising harder, eating sooo much better, and focusing on exactly where it is I am "going" in life. Through this, I have a much better "Me" to offer all those around me. I am a better employee, better Mom, better friend...etc. (I think my dogs, fish, and frogs are happier too)! Mark, this may or may not help you, but it's a great place to start. Watch "The Secret" (you can explore it online if you haven't already). Start focusing and planning your future in a very detailed, focused and very visual way. Not just by envisioning in your mind....but putting a visual to what you imagine...the sky is the limit. Have an awesome day and's going to be a wonderful one! You are doing such a great job Mark. Even when it's a "help me up"'s a message that many of us can relate no's honest and that's the key to relationships of all kinds! Enjoy Maui....I'm off to L.A. and a Mexican cruise....SOLO!!! in exactly one month today. It's the first real trip I've taken in years. I can hardly wait!!!, JCG, Calgary
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Christmas Political Correctness - For reasons that escape me ,the Christmas season seems to bend many people out of shape. The attached invitation may add some useful perspective., DR, ?
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director TO: Everyone
Re: Christmas Party DATE: December 1
I’m happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23, starting at noon in the banquet room at Luigi’s Open Pit Barbecue. Full open bar, and plenty of eggnog! We’ll have a small band playing traditional carols...feel free to sing along. And don’t be surprised if our CEO shows up dressed as Santa Claus!
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director TO: Everyone
DATE: December 2
RE: Christmas Party
In no way was yesterday’s memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees. We recognize the Chanukah is an important holiday, which often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year. However, from now on we’re calling it our ”Holiday Party.” The same policy applies to employees who are celebrating Kwanzaa at this time.
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director DATE: December 3
RE: Holiday Party
Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table... you didn’t sign your name. I’m happy to accommodate this request, but if T put a sign on a table that reads ”AA Only” you wouldn’t be anonymous anymore. How am I supposed to handle this?
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director TO: Everyone
DATE: December 7 RE: Holiday Party
What a diverse company we are! I had no idea that December 20 begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating, drinking and sex during daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a luncheon this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees’ beliefs. Perhaps Luigi’s can hold off on serving your meal until the end of the party - the days are so short this time of year or else package everything for take-home in little foil swans. Will that work? Meanwhile, I’ve arranged for members of Overeaters Anonymous to sit farthest from the dessert buffet and pregnant women will get the table closest to the restrooms.
Did I miss anything?
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director T0: Everyone
DATE: December 8 RE: Holiday Party
So December 22 marks the Winter Solstice...what do you expect me to do, a tap-dance on your heads? Fire regulations at Luigi’s prohibit the burning of sage by our ”earth-based Goddess-worshipping” employees,
but we’ll try to accommodate your shamanic drumming circle during the band’s breaks.
FROM: Pat Lewis, Human Resources Director TO: Everyone
DATE: December 9 RE: Holiday Party
People, people, nothing sinister was intended by the idea of having our CEO dress up like Santa Claus! Even if the anagram of ”Santa” does happen to be
”Satan”, there is no evil connotation to our own ”little man in a red suit.” It’s a tradition, folks, like sugar shock at Halloween or family feuds over the Thanksgiving turkey or broken hearts on Valentine’s Day. Could we PLEASE lighten up a little?
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 9:46 p.m.