Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday Nov. 28, 2006 – fireplace expectations
-29C/-20F (wind chill –40C/-41F), by Thursday it should be back to zero Celcius in south Calgary; lightly drifted crusty snow makes Gusta’s romp lots of fun as she bites chunks for snacks along the way
cold like this brings many things; cracking sounds in the walls, neighbours with broken pipes, the strange sound of cold tires on partly bare pavement
some people have expectations their car will start, that they will be on time for each meeting; expecting someone will do what WE want them to do; expectations that trouble or change will not intervene in our beautiful plans, wishes, dreams
“You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra
when we see trouble coming, the things we fear looming large or get notice somehow of a threat on the horizon - which is better – take steps to avoid it, face it head on or pretend that trouble does not exist?
if we anticipate disaster, difficult change or trouble in some form we will surely experience it; but if we anticipate opportunities for learning, laughter and living fully – well, I think we find those too
BB wrote about anticipation of aloneness, anticipation of hurt and sadness; it has not arrived yet, but inevitably it will
some things are accidental, some are inevitably likely, some are dead certain; the more we worry about them, the more we give them a chance to hurt us, make us fearful, make us sad and surely make us mad
today feels like a time for curling up somewhere warm, a day for a roaring fire
fireplace is an interesting word
may we all have fireplace expectations
may we all get that what we wish for