Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday Nov. 30, 2006 – not too busy
-2C/29F, the sun had yet to cross the horizon as we went out this morning; Gusta (now asleep at my feet) was running hard while her intrepid owner struggled to keep her in sight let alone keep up; Chinook winds brought relief from our common cold
happy birthday to CD in Edmonton . .
some things fly by - every day – they just do
this person’s question, that one’s answer, someone with a problem, someone with a schedule change, someone with a bizarre point of view, someone with no point of view at all
our culture says ‘be Merry’, our season says ‘spread joy’
our mood sometimes says, ‘oh crap’
too busy most times to stop to consider someone else’s plight, we are going so hard on the treadmill to notice the friend or stranger with shoulders slumped, stopped at the side of the road or slumped into their chair
too busy to stop to lend a hand, too busy to lend an ear
too busy, not enough time
is it unique to this time of year or do I just notice it more?
this time of year, the shortness of days, the long lonely nights for some – the healthiest people deal with their challenges, talk about their issues – to vent, to explain, to engage someone in discussion
this time of year, especially for those who are troubled and feeling down, the ability to see the bright side of a situation, to see the silver lining in at least one of their clouds is very difficult for them
those who don’t talk, don’t write, don’t cry – suffering in silence, immobilized by their issues, their trauma, their pain
I find I don’t have to look far among friends, colleagues, clients or complete strangers – I’ve had a bit of each this week – a tiny glimpse at the totality of everyone’s problems
around us this time of year, especially these next 25 days, we will shop and wrap and schmooze, and eat and party our share in the buzz of the holiday season
for each of us there will be at least ONE someone left behind, at least ONE someone who sees no joy, who sees no reason for excitement
we cannot fix anyone or fix their problems, but be putting a hug around them or a knowing touch on their shoulder we can impact someone somehow
accepting someone’s troubled reality is far tougher than stepping in with advice or help
accepting someone’s sadness or worry with simple validation from a friend is probably more welcome that when we try to impose our solution to someone else’s problem
Ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing,Only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness;So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another,Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
someone you know is in need of something today; don’t walk by, don’t put off the call, don’t talk superficially around the issue – let someone you know, let them know that you care enough to deal with whatever inconvenience it may be just to listen to them for a little while
just a little while
imagine the difference you will make for them
to say nothing of the difference it will make for you
if only for today, try not being ‘too busy’
brighten someone's day