To BB – I just wanted to let you know that one of the nicest and most peaceful Christmas’s I ever had was spent alone. You have the right attitude; being alone is not the same as feeling lonely. I will think of you on Christmas Day. SF Calgary
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Remember to get out and vote on Saturday, Mark! This is the best we can do with democracy. You take a look at the Socialists down east and the way they are running their Leadership campaign. The truth of the matter is, how can 3500 people vote in the best interest of all Canadians. That is why our system in Alberta really works - ANYONE 16 years of age and over can vote for who they would like to see as Premier! Now that IS democracy in action!, BC, Coaldale
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Mark – It is my sincere belief that you should publish a daily reflective book of Musings. I can assure you that it would be a success! ( a cross between daily meditation, reflection and chicken soup for the soul) VBL – Englewood, CO
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I once joined a family for Christmas and it was a bit strange and not at all like "my" Christmas. The next year I was invited back... maybe pity, maybe my pecan pie - who knows, who cares? Now it wouldn't be Christmas for them or me if I wasn't there. Really good new shoes are rarely ever completely comfortable the first time you wear them... they just have to be broken in, ch, Chimacum
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:42 p.m.