Hi – how was breakfast? I think you had some very valid points regarding the expense of this breakfast and who is eating it while the people who need it are not having it. I was hoping all day the reason behind it all was deep pockets that would open and share. Let me know. I really enjoy your thought provoking commentary. I am still shaken by the Calgary woman I heard on the radio a while back talking about her $40,000 shower. Are we sometimes completely asleep and unaware of others?, DB, Red Deer
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0145: Is this the very BEST of Marks musing or is it the melancholy of the hour? Your writing touched my mind and moved my thoughts away from the challenges of the past 10 hours. Thank-you for reminding me that it is about THEM and not me. Tonight I wish for a Magic Eraser to eradicate pain, I wish for mobility for those who have lost theirs, I wish for a "Smarten Up Pill" for those creating foolish issues out of boredom. For myself -- wisdom to appreciate what I have. Like you I have too much, waste too much. rnRN, Calgary
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Mark, are you up for lunch one of these cold days? No agenda. Just a meal and stimulating conversation (although I am interested in hearing about your property search journey in SK.) , GD, Calgary
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can i ask who added me to your list out of curiosity?, ZM, Calgary
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You would choose a really good golf swing over finding the “love of your life” as the 4th wish? Something to ponder, LJPS, Calgary
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Mark, What is the chance of you posting a picture of Gusta!!, mie, ?
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Mark, you might want to change the wish for a really smooth golf swing to a really accurate one... I suspect the swing is already smooth... not the issue heh heh, JD, Vancouver
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4 wishes: That Mark continues to inspire 'the world' with his well-written messages. That Santa misses no one. That my womb-mate recovers from surgery in January, and is able to celebrate his 50th with us. “That if 'the love of my present life' and I don't...end up together, he'll keep a little place in his heart for me where I'll stay forever.” - winnie the pooh, bebe, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:28 p.m.