Same old-same old .. interesting. I did something different than I've ever done before. Today, I woke up as usual, plodded to my truck and, behold, the left front tire was 85% flat ... bizarre, but ok. I drove gingerly to the gas station where I plunked in my .75 and inflated the tire only to hear the hissing of a cobra as a 5 inch hack spewed air out of the sidewall of the tire. I ran into the store and purchased 'tire flat' .. some gummy crap that goes into the tire and temporarily (or permanently) seals the hole ... so, after struggling with this contraption and spewing white toxic goop everywhere, the tire inflated and appeared to hold air... perfect. My 21 mile journey down the freeway to my office would be trouble free. And it was. Until I backed in my truck into my assigned parking stall and notice a very sluggish stearing wheel .. sigh. The inevitable, the tire was flat yet again. With about 41k miles on the treads, it was time to make the investment into new skins for these 20" rims... EGAD !! $230+ each. And, I am contemplating replacing this beast with a new car in the next while. So this is where the 'same-old-sameold' doesn't apply. Historically, or traditionally, all four tires would be replaced even if just one tire was damaged beyond repair. But in this case, I shopped used tire shops until I found one with one tire of the exact brand with approximately the same milleage... I had the tire replaced for under $56 and no one will know that this tire is a step-tire of the other three. Not same-old at all. The real question is 'why' did I do something I've never done before .. it's not the money, heck I've spent that much on tires for my play car sitting my garage.. so that's not it. Definitely, a mind meld that I must make with myself soon to discover what it is that change my same-old habit. I ponder ..., SD, ?
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I like to think that when something is not working for us we can decide in a mature way over time to change it. What hasn't worked for most people is quick changes based on unproven assumptions, choices made on the basis of lies from institutions, or choices made just for change's sake. Comforting as the same old is, I ask myself - how important is it to pass on to the next generation, and if it hasn't worked for my generation, then why hang on to it. A bit of honesty about what didn't work is also useful, LHE, Calgary
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Hi I enjoy your writing each day , what has happened have not received any since tues…Miss you CR Calgary
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I'm not sure whether it's just semantics: nevertheless, I'll respond to "same old, same old". How old? Old to whom? Do we both understand "same"? No one really says. What's old to some minds might be a revelation to others. Some responding to a trite question with "same old, same old" might be waiting for a more interesting question before giving a more interesting answer. Others are probably stuck in a rut and being honest, a few might be nervous, one or two are probably shy and, very frankly, at least one person who responds "same old, same old", expected more personal interest in the first place from the person asking the question. Only those of us, with lifethanking happy laughter in our bellies and lifethinking situations in our souls understand the your erudite query of "same old, same old". Sending you some pictures separately. The more things remain the same, the more they change with the blossoming of appreciation for "same old, same old". Some of you grow on branding new adventures and some of us thrive on building on the "same old, same old". You said, "most people we scratch very deeply are people seeking to change; to move from this to that, from him to him, from her to her, from where they’ve been unhappy to some other place where happiness reigns supreme" I believe that when you make a lasting scratch, someone related big time to some little thing you did or said, often something you least expected. Though we know ourselves, some of our parts are sometimes different and endearing to others. The "seeking to change; to move from this to that, from him to him, from her to her, from where they've been unhappy to some other place" is an animal lashing out. It is not part of the process for us "same old, same old" types, VJP, DeWinton
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:21 p.m.