Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Nov. 15 Comments – it starts early
Mark .... as a transplanted Canuck in the land of Red (Texas), there is and never will be another color ... to most, there is only one train of thought (neanderthal in nature) is only red and the beliefs of the red are tatooed to their red loving butts.... as a resident alien, I listen to how bad everyone in the world is if you're not from here... and heaven forbid if you arrived illegally...that's why the NRA is still alive and thriving. To make anyone believe something that they cannot, won't even try, will never do, when hell freezes over, is just never going to happen. Let them say what they want and show their true ignorance of the reality of the real world and let them keep collecting the things that make them happy. At the end of the day, when judgement day comes, they can hide behind all the red they want, but everyone will be judged on contributions in their lifetimes, not what they took from everyone in their lifetimes. This probably makes little sense to you or anyone else reading this, but I've been in Texas now almost 10 years, through two different administrations and can tell you that blue is the way of the future. Red is for what is wrapped around their necks where the shirt collars rub .. commonly known as rednecks. Not all of us down here see only red, but the perception is, if you're not red, you're dead. I read with great despair the attacks you took and can only summize that these comments are from those who have never experienced anything useful in their lives, suffered any losses, and are what I define as arm chair patriots. Instead of tv remotes and bud lights, let's see any of them, even just one, trade in that remote for a gun and go fight for what they claim is their right....then when they lose that fight or lose someone close during that fight, go home to a reception that defines them as losers instead of heroes ... then let's hear their commentary on life, those who fought, died and we tried to remember once a year .. and I hope those people are forgotten almost as fast as they blink .. because that's all they are worth.. nothing more than a blink. Congrats on your continued columns. I'm a fan... and can't wait until my journey brings me back to shoveling snow instead of shoveling turd in this land of red. ? , Texas