Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Nov. 14 Comments – our solution

Hi Mark, Quite some ago, you circulated the following quote, which I taped to mydesk at work: "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr. Keep up the good work, as your life does not seem to be ending soon, AK, Calgary
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Mark: Keep up the comments....I don't always agree but you put forward an opinion that makes us all think. ....and to some degree discussion of anything always makes for a better solution, and optimistically a better city/world. You have made a significant contribution to my every day life here in Calgary as a newcomer to the City. Unless I am mistaken we just celebrated Remembrance Day...and freedom of speech was central to all of the great sacrifices that we have made as a nation, and as families. I also have a chocolate Lab - "Labby" and walk a few times a week in Fish Creek, and hope some day to meet you and Gusta...another great contribution to quality of life in the big city. When I can't get out due to work or other commitments it is great to be there in cyberspace, RDM – Calgary
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I do not know why either and I wonder why the art of communication, critical thinking and resolving conflicts was/is not a mandatory part of school curriculum, at least somewhere before finishing high school. With all the divorces, business problems, and daily miscommunication one would think that we could save everyone a pile of grief not to mention money if we were schooled in the art of communicating. Then again, educated people are some of the worst. Go figure. Incidentally, fruit is good for the digestion moving all the crap out of the system. Just a thought (and amusement), PL, Calgary
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hi mark........interesting and thought provoking musings and responses last week, ...............do u talk the same as u write?.......if so i think i could listen to u for hours!............i really appreciate the weather comments too, winter in alberta continues to intrigue me and the best part of my day is when i manage to get out there, walking, exploring, discovering,........ yesterday i shoveled snow for three hours and it looks like i am going to be out there again today!...........sometimes wish i could write down all the things i think, feel, sense when i read what u have to say .......but herewith my tuppence worth for this week .......

another day: ........it would be boring if everyone agreed with u mark, and you probably wouldn't still be musing, .........u also have to remember that there are just some people that have nothing better to do with their time then attack and pull apart, the chances are that there is something missing in their lives,........so let them vent, they don't pay your rent!

do like henry:......fog, to me, is cold and damp and menacing, not a good place to be .....i much prefer mist, that lifts quicker and makes me think of rainbows and waterfalls, walking on the beach, the sun shining through

seeing through it : ....how often are things truly as they seem?....but how do u know before u set out? .......... guess u just have to work your way through that dam fog or else turn around and take another direction, and yes if u are lucky and keeping an eye open, maybe find something else truly amazing in the process

handling it : .........how wonderful that your friend could turn to u in the way she knew u would relate to best, u were there for in a way she knew u would be ........yes, women are the nurturers, but men too, have the strength and the warmth that we can't do without

show me a winner : ........there have been bullies and cowards and battles and wars since the beginning of time,.............as woman is the nurturer, so is man the hunter, always has been and always will be, ..........a few heroes and lots of poppies........but no mark, there are no winners

it must be cold : .........and miserable and dark and ugly and senseless ..........and for what?....man's greed ...........lust for power?.........and so we remember, by taking a holiday, sleeping in late, catching up at the office?

freedom to be uncertain : .........well, nothing is cast in stone is it?...........and we can be certain that tomorrow a new day will dawn!

our solution : .........keep doing what u are doing mark, it's not going to change the world, but at least u are making us think about it all
CG, Morningside

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