Monday, November 13, 2006


Nov. 13 Comments – freedom to be uncertain

Hi Mark, Just a quick word... to encourage you with respect to your musings... which I enjoy... From some of the comments in your musings, I take it that not all of the feedback you receive is positive... but that's simply the law of averages... not everybody is going to like what you say... From writing a newsletter, I have some idea of the time commitment that it takes to regularly put something out in writing... and I respect your willingness to put in the time... Attached is a poem which I use as my guidepost... a one-week compartment seems about right (at least for me) in terms of planning... not day-to-day short... but not way-off-in-the-future long either... Keep up the good work with your musings... Let me know if you plan on being at the Real Estate Forum at the end of the month... perhaps we can grab a coffee... Regards, MG, Cornwall, Ontario

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