I just read your Nov 11 musing. You put it so well and I so much agree. How do we articulate the place where prejudice, disagreement, emotional involvement and free speech cross over into hate? Also WF - congrats on putting it so well. A lot could be accomplished if only those who deal with bullies of any place and age would respond with communication and understanding, rather than responding with ignoring the bully or naively blaming the victim. LHE, Calgary
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Hi Mark, I applaud your efforts to express your views and discuss interesting and challenging topics. Unfortunately I've noticed recently that your column is very critical of others, especially those close to you and individuals who write back to you (ie the individual who wrote about the good news story involving a lending program in a developing country). We may not always agree with people but we can still respect their views and appreciate their input--plus a positive comment or two never hurt anyone. Must the whole column be critical? There is some good in the world no? Also, I was surprised to see that someone who talks of the need for more peace and kindness in our crazy world (and an animal lover as well) could describe his veal dinner as yummy-I think if you could see what happens to those animals you would likely never touch the stuff again, MR, Calgary
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So we see that someone who has lost someone or something to war is helped by the belief that the sacrifice of their love was purposeful, that their loss and suffering were for a greater good. I can understand that and forgive the mistake. You have called that mistake into question and so the bristles go up, words are thrown like knives; the logic is that because I hurt I have the right to hurt others. Wounds like that won't heal because fear and hatred and loss fester beneath. The reality that war does not have to continue is denied because peace exists through the agency of each individual whether a world leader or blog writer. Blog on. Peace. ch, Chimacum
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:07 p.m.