Monday, November 20, 2006


Monday Nov. 20, 2006 – power failure

-2C/29F, fresh, clear & warming, Gusta friskier than appropriate, a spring day at the wrong time of year!

LM from White Rock is 50-something today, more power to ya!

‘To achieve the mood of a warrior is not a simple matter. It is a revolution. To regard the lion and the water rats and our fellow men as equals is a magnificent act of a warrior’s spirit. It takes power to do that.’ – Carlos Castenada

what do we do with our power?

especially on Monday morning!

what makes a Monday morning mood, how much power is in it?

are we warriors, water rats or falling flat?

flat tires need to be pumped up; sometimes flattened warriors need a blast of fresh air pumped in through the appropriate rear orifice

or maybe just a gentle boot applied in the same area

Monday starts set tone for the whole week; I imagine the energy, positive or negative, that I can convey when I walk into a room, or answer a call

saying ‘not bad’ to someone who asks how we are sends a message of under-enthused

saying ‘good morning, I’m fantastic’ only works if you really are, which most Monday morning’s we are not

the meaning of Monday mornings has not changed, but my process has shifted

as a kid it was wash day at our house which involved hauling frozen sheets in off the line (they were twice my size, so windy days were challenging) only to be fed overcooked liver and onions which made me forever skeptical about the rewards or volunteer work!

through most of my working life it has been ‘clean up last week’s leftovers, deal with the Monday morning ‘must-do’s’, hopefully able to launch into new work by 2ish in the afternoon; hardly an early morning mood lifter

in recent years, late Sunday night sessions doing my newsletter has morphed into doing the large portion of it before 9PM – then sleeping, then waking at 1:30ishAM, make a pot of the blackest caffeine I can manage, finish my newsletter just in time to publish around 5:30AM; since I am up having done ½ a day’s work I feel like launching into a few diversions before the pile of things to do today

in summer I often find 18 holes can easily help my afternoon along if I hustle all morning, in winter I vacillate between a slow paced day, a fast paced morning with an afternoon massage chaser, a slow and domestic morning followed by a sleepy lazy errand filled afternoon

whatever I do between Sunday and Tuesday usually sets my tone for the kind of Monday I am determined to have

I am determined

I am energized

I have NOT experienced a power failure today

are the lights on where you are?
if they are, and if you are not moving faster than a speeding bullet able to leap tall buildings with a single bound, then I would check your battery posts, break out the voltmeter and take your ‘amperage’

when we re-boot a computer, they call it powering up

good metaphor

if low on power, click restart


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