Friday, November 24, 2006
Friday Nov. 24, 2006 – grab a hammer
-17C/1F, Gusta’s fur coat is finally of value; on a calm cold day like this one, the cold just sits there, waiting for a breeze to give it teeth; we’ll walk more later when it is a little warmer
”When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.” - Abraham Maslow
someone, not sure who . . . I think it was Einstein who said something about defining the problem very thoroughly was often more than half the solution
my rant yesterday flushed out some who agreed, a few detractors too; I had an email from Wayne Stewart, CEO of the Calgary Homeless Foundation . . I replied . . he called . . we got cranky with each other but then we settled into a productive discussion – we are meeting next week to explore some ways to solve some problems; we seem to agree that motivation and skill are not sufficient on their own to solve a very large problem, a systemic one . . but we are talking
I have problems, but they are few; some large, some small – but few
my friends and family have problems, but they are few; my clients and business colleagues have problems, but they are few; everyone has a few problems
I believe most problems are created by people, so I think it is reasonable to believe that people can solve them; I am not suggesting we should alter the rules of physics or cure cancer – but it seems to me that most of the problems we grouse about, read about and have politicians remind us of the magnitude – each of these problems was created by people – whether it be one or a million – so why cannot people, working in some common purpose, solve them?
today I am alone, I am solitary, I am lucky
I have meaningful work to do, people in my life who matter; I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, everyone in my family is well, a weekend of having both my daughters here for a visit is just a few hours away
so very lucky, it is like I have no problems at all
as for being alone, I know I am not; I have friends, family, colleagues, readers & a dog . . what more could I wish for than all of that . . .
lets all grab a hammer; not to drive a nail, but maybe to drive home a point that might contribute to solving something