Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Wednesday Oct. 11, 2006 - Year 4, Day 204 - fog thoughts

1C/33F, foggy; our walk around the lagoon this morning was interrupted by a brief coyote encounter – hard to say who was most startled - no doubt having a drink while scouting geese prospects, having caught a whiff of us it ambled up from the shore, then moved along to the south, we hustled away in the opposite direction

my incessant cough is diminished, yesterday's fatigue behind me; I can survive this cold/flu episode with only a throat removal; some thoughts from last night's board meeting & this morning's calls & emails, of trip planning & business wrangles . . argghh

amid frenetic pace to get where it is we think we are going, do we not lose sight of the goal sometimes?

what I mean is that the objectives of rest, of serenity, of unity, of projects, of events have become altered so that, in the end, at best they are poorly planned, hastily executed, poorly understood or all of these

one such project – nearly 16 months since we started – has changed direction at least 4 times; it reminds me of the one-liner about a camel having been designed by a committee; it feels like that; if only they said ‘competitors, sit with us to help us think this thing through, then we’ll decide together on scope, direction, design etc.’ . .

I can dream can’t I?

to actually take the time to think, the time to listen, the time to give an idea, an issue, a person . . . give them the time they deserve so that the resulting theory, the resulting experience, the resulting relationship is predicated on ideas, articulation, clear-headedness
I still seek an aside - my alcove, my little hideaway, my place where, in haste or not, my total attention can be focused on what is at hand without distraction, without diversion . . . focused, energetic and single-minded

I am sure it is there, waiting to be found, in the country

but which country? beachfront or up-country?


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