Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Tuesday Oct. 17, 2006 - Year 4, Day 210 - good news

-3C/28F, light snow falling, Gusta undecided whether romping at high speed or stopping to chew lumps of snow is more fun so she combines the two; critter tracks everywhere but no critters in view, golf season is really over, sob

thanks to those who wrote with comments on the new photo & my svelte-ness (Andre, please hold those comments till I really am!); enough already, lets have less of that & more discussion

where did we lose our collective enthusiasm for good things? where did we give way to media hype & political pandering to the morbid, the banal & the tasteless?

we need more good news

each morning I read newspapers, look at newswire feeds & news websites – in part to stay current, in part to gather information I need – but always with the hope, most faint, that I will see a major GOODNEWS headline

the media’s lone attempt to daily pump us up is with sports stories where the headline usually lauds who won, but the text is invariably at least 50% about the foolhardy mistakes of the vanquished person or team

whenever I see good news stories on CNN or in my daily paper they seem relegated to a footnote or anecdote along the lines that . . ‘ in addition to everything else that happened today there is this one amusing thing happened’

every hour every day good news must outweigh bad or we would not be surviving here ( I mean the planet, not the reality show); if it was ALL about nuclear tests, horrid murder, violence, mayhem political scandal, drugs & crime there wouldn’t be a lot of reasons to live now would there?

we don’t get good news by searching for it, we get good news by spreading it

if you smile when you tell someone something today, they will be far more likely to take it as good news than any other way

if you start a conversation with, ‘hey, I’ve got good news . . . ’ what impression will you leave?

some good weather news: Maui weather today: lows 63-69F, 100% chance of rain, clearing by tomorrow mid-morning with highs of 80-87F

I feel a beach itch coming on


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