Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thursday Oct. 26, 2006 - better already
9C/45F, humidity is gone for the year I am afraid; a nice kind of breezy but the dryness is a sharp contrast all of a sudden; Gusta sniffed her way along in the dark this morning obliviously not knowing that 3 days from now it will be much darker & later as daylight saving time ends
to KD regarding your comments yesterday: the note I should send would a thank-you note given the time & grief I was saved through an early revelation of character (yes, there was more to the story that I did not write about) . . thanks for your good observations
if my agenda was a dinner plate, mashed potatoes & gravy would be spilling over the side this morning, but I am confident I will have it all cleared up by mid January (no point over-doing my zealousness) before I visit MY Maui beaches – booking it today
it could be a trip to anywhere, to see different places, different people – but why fly so far to be alone?
I could be relaxing alone anywhere, so why is another trip to Maui so important?
aside from feeling familiar with the island or my desire to live there part of the year at some point, it is a place where I feel incredibly connected to my innards, to my planet, to the forces of nature, to the peacefulness & calm, to MY beaches, to my sense of self
every time I find myself in such a place I am not insulated from anything – just the illusion of that – but I can reach inside somehow to look at things from a different angle, to wrestle with understanding myself a better
each time I’ve been there, each time I’ve taken an ‘escape for a while’ trip I have had epiphany scale experiences – a reinforcement that this is MY life, MY power to take control over any element of MY life I want to; this is true any day anywhere but squeezing reflection in between calls & meetings is pretty challenging
an overflowing plate seems so much easier to handle today; the trip is nearly 3 months away, but knowing I am going lightens my load
Maui is my relief valve, not so much to let out steam, but to balance pressures, balance values, balance my life
as for ‘alone’, I likely will be . . . or maybe I’ll invite someone to join me
humidity, humility & a beach where footprints can last a few seconds or all day
I’m walking there right now in my mind
time to take that time
I feel so much better already