Today’s musing struck a familiar chord. That first truly magnificent snowfall with the air fresh, crisp, and cool, standing outdoors staring at an indigo coloured starry sky, with ”clouds” of sparking snow all around makes one realize we are but a speck in the universe and a much higher being must have created it in order for us to experience the wonder, awe and joy of the moment., BR, Calgary
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Do u ever . . . Feel like just running away and never coming back?, SB, Calgary
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Mark, this is a remarkable musing. I really needed to hear this as the weather cools down and I retreat to my lair..., PV, Kingston NY
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Hi Mark, Thanks for your note regarding time and space, I have come to the conclusion that every life was created for a purpose, many people go through their entire life trying to figure out why they are here on this earth. Through my own personal journey of life’s circumstances I now know that God has created each one of us for the purpose of having a relationship with Him. There is a God space in each human heart that only He can fill. Once God came into my “heart space” my life has been changed in so many ways and for the better. May the peace of God that only He can fill be found by you today, CM, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:13 p.m.