Friday, October 27, 2006


Oct. 27 Comments – 5 before 9

Have you ever read The Celestine Prophecy? I am new to your musings but I think you would enjoy this book, SW, Calgary
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As I read your Musing today, an ever-broadening smile crept across my face. I was audibly chuckling (in the office, no less) by the end of it. With your increasingly frenetic pace and the aptly chosen verbiage of the message (you are truly and enviably a master word-smith), I could picture you bouncing off the walls - with a satisfied smile on your face. I too am a committed caffeine addict, since my late teens (about 45 years ago), and I am completely unapologetic for it. I like it. I gather that you do as well. So, enjoy the "true brew" and rejoice in any newly-returned energy spurts. "Coffee makes the world go 'round, the world go 'round" to paraphrase a movie tune of a couple of decades ago! All the best, JN, Newmarket
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Wiser Geyser is a definite fit. Laughing too hard to write my thoughts on saving our words to savour them, VJP, DeWinton

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