Mark, A comment on today's musing. The impression I get from your writing is that if someone takes offence to something you write then that is their problem, and yes you are absolutely right ... but it can be much more than that too. Point 1. I think that sometimes the timing of your writings can coincide with activities in your personal life that will give the impression that the two are related, that is natural. Whether they are related or not is really immaterial, because to the other party they are related. So as the writer I think you could anticipate such feelings and maybe soften things by pre-warning those who might otherwise be offended. Point 2. It has been my experience that some of my best relationships have come from "rocky starts" so maybe, if that promising lunch is important enough, a handwritten card to patch things up might result in a good second-start. Hey ... just opinions!, KD, Ottawa
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Regarding cause and effect... Rule # 1: Ask questions first THEN you can get mad as hell or laugh at yourself. I'd say lucky escape. Had a few of those myself. CH, Chimacum
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Perhaps you should have mentioned your toy drawer. Maybe that would provide some success, NB, Calgary
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Hi – you do get yourself into some interesting situations …. Sleepovers, was I one of the ones that laughed until milk came out my nose? I am reading a book by Dave Hingsburger. “I Contact” I have nearly finished it. He is awesome. I am going to use his work for a lesson plan in human sexuality. Thank you for telling me about him and your experiences at his workshop. So much of what he says applies to all of us. Too bad about your Friday night, DB, Calgary
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hi there busy man laptop/thinkpad finally arrived today, i thought i would support local and ordered it from the computer guy in ponoka two days after i got here, well guess being patient and waiting nearly three weeks is part of what country life is about, .............anyway spent much of the day catching up with mail etc.....and have now just gotten around to your musings, ...........had to just skim/speed read through them cos i was tying up the business line (still on dial up cos of poor reception area)....thanks for your mention of me, never been called courageous before so a hug for u for that ...........thanks too for taking the time to chat with me that afternoon ......really liked your voice and our discussion, u are most certainly an interesting man and i already liked the way your head works!'s musing made me think that like me, u have learned not to sweat the small stuff........that way u can keep your mind clear for the important things in life ......... like the cause and effect and the fun of a sleepover! ....... my adventure continues, loved the snow, was told not even canadians walk out in it like i did, but i suspect that u do?......... loving the sunshine of this week too ......... am in the process of negotiating with the local garage owner for some wheels so that i can get out a bit .......... keeping this short cos i know u are busy ........ CG, Morningside
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:58 p.m.