Hi Mark, I unhappily report that S. Ontario beat you this year with first snow. We received snow last week, October 12th, however Kitchener's snow was light compared to our friends in the Niagara Peninsula, where some 60 cm. of snow fell on Fort Erie and Buffalo....now that was a blast of 'early' winter leaving behind major damage! It felt like home here last week! Take care...hope you are having a good day and enjoy that clean look, it is short lived!, KL, Kitchener
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Better photo,...you are looking a lot fitter than the last time I saw you in person, AK, Calgary
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Mornin' Mark: Thanks for sending along your mailouts. This "musing" does lend pause for thought for sure. Also very impressed by the Maxcomm mini newspaper. Hope your day bodes well. I love a snowfall too, however, I am grateful for another day in the high teens and fall leaves still fluttering about. Ciao,BP, Coquitlam
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I like the new photo. VBL- Englewood, CO
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Nice picture!!, NB, Calgary
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Hi Mark, I have never met you, however I have to agree with KK that I do like your new picture, LW, Grande Prairie
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The new pic is OK but the old one gave me a smile every morning!, JB, Calgary
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Hi Mark, Not sure where I'm going with this email...however, I feel compelled to send a message. I'm taking a break from some studies and as always I get a "Facility Calgary" email. I read it, as I always do (that's a surprise to me), and found "Mark's Musings" at the bottom of the page. I proceeded to read all the comments and quips on that page and found it was indeed quite amusing. I really did enjoy browsing through the comments. Also, refreshing to see your comments regarding Yom Kippur as so little was mentioned anywhere in the city about honouring this Jewish High Holiday. The media did however do a Ramadan highlight on Yom Kippur Day. Hmmm....interesting.....(to me). Bottom line....keep up this great work. I really enjoyed it and look forward to more of "Mark's Musings". Sincerely, LM, CalgaryP.S. The "new" picture is a good one!
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 6:38 p.m.