Monday, October 30, 2006


Monday Oct. 30, 2006 - ice age

-14C/7F, I was slow & sleepy this morning from working ½ the night; cold with mercury dropping a few more degrees in the last few hours, our walk brought my chilled cheeks to life & my face too - Gusta seemed perplexed as flights of geese failed to land on the lagoon, now totally ice covered; instead she sniffed familiar sights, plowing up snow with her nose; it is bbbbbrrrrrrrlovely out there

I took more than a minute – nearly an hour – this morning for reflection before tucking into raspberry smothered cereal; no crawling traffic, no Monday morning clatter/buzz or rushing

I took some time to stare out at a brilliant white blanket of snow lit by the most brilliant empty blue sky – other than my vista missing palm trees, I’d call it paradise found; whether you watch ducks & geese searching for still open water on now frozen lagoon as I just did or looking out on ANY landscape, recognize that whatever big things we are doing today that they are infinitely small compared to the magnitude of anything truly splendid on this planet

why don’t you stop, take a minute – your minute - or take an hour or take as long as you need, take a decade, take longer

the earth will not cease or accelerate revolving if you just take a little time to marvel at things beyond yourself this morning – or take a quiet coffee break walk without the coffee, without the Monday morning chit-chat

how long we take is not important, but what matters is taking time to balance our lives with something much bigger than ourselves

spend some time silently today, just look outside or be outside when you do it & look outside yourself too

don’t ice yourself over when looking over the ice offers so much more

running late . . must work now

the next ice age is coming, but we need more warming first – give someone some of your warmth, give it to the most deserving person you know - yourself


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