Friday, October 27, 2006


Friday Oct. 27, 2006 - 5 before 9

1C/34F, overcast & gusty; convinced it was an edible critter Gusta chased a large leaf moving sporadically along the pavement – 2 blocks of hilarious stops & starts

congrats to NB who turns fifty today, all downhill from here Nancy but WOW, what a ride you can have with a spirited approach - keep those ice cubes handy in case of overheating

it might not have been like giving up something for Lent, but my month without coffee just had to come to an end

my switch back will not diminish an newfound appetite for hot water throughout the day, but my caffeine craving could no longer be denied

my day, my thoughts, my energy is percolating this morning

could it be just the coffee?

to do, think, work, play, create, build, develop, taste, trash, move, stay, up or down, a euphoric ride or romp; whatever the activity, motivation does not come from a cup of coffee or even 5 before 9

it might come ‘over a cup of coffee’, but not because of a marvelous black elixir alone

motivation comes from me, from you, from deep deep inside

from that place where need meets ideas meets desire & energy

it percolates & comes out like a geyser;

too often we go about our business cushioning the blow for others; nurturers nurture, enablers enable, preachers preach, pretentious folks pretend, sufferers suffer – in order to insulate others from reality; more about failure to put themselves (individuals, business units, organizations or companies) at the head of the line; we live in a society where our caretaking, care-giving & charitable nature is too

maybe I am a wiser geyser, maybe I am just percolating, maybe I am a little buzzed from reintroducing coffee to my veins

must go now; a busy day awaits & meeting someone for coffee @ 10


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