Friday, October 13, 2006


Friday Oct. 13, 2006 - Year 4, Day 206 - what he wants to do

2C/35F, overcast; our walk was quiet & brisk – an early start with clients means I must hustle early this morning though my inability to talk without hacking up half a lung may be a deterrent to long conversations; Gusta will get her long walk later

a great chat yesterday with another of the musers known as SB; discussing how we can effectively maximize career/business success while dedicating sufficient time to a relationship considering how much time, especially on the front end processes of meeting, dating, interviewing etc. . . too much time to invest which distracts from the career focus; perhaps valid concerns but strong enough to keep me out of both tracks at the same time; I don’t see it as a choice of one vs. the other, but rather I see it as having a complete life vs. an incomplete one

I’ve yet to read anywhere of a philosophy or ‘how-to’ book that says it should be easy; it should be hard, it should be with someone we want to work hard for, it should fill us, overflow us, challenge us, please us & leave us with sufficient energy & motivation to do things that please someone else

emotionally it should feel easy, yes; but that doesn’t mean it insulates us from fatigue, stress or difficulty balancing these competing values

well or sick, busy or not (rarely not) I find great comfort in Bob Dylan’s words: ‘What’s money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.’

an already overstuffed day of things to do begins, messed with by touring out of town clients, oh well this is work I love so I won’t complain, but I have to go now

tic toc


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