Thursday, September 07, 2006


Thursday Sept. 7, 2006 - Year 4, Day 170 – knock knock

9C/48F, calm, sun burns through hazy horizon, hot air balloons racing off in the distance

coming back yesterday afternoon/evening from Edmonton was a spectacular sight; grain dust flying everywhere as harvesting is in full tilt & the sky was laden with forest fire smoke make the sun a blazing red ball in a cloudless sky . . incredible sunset

calm today, important meetings, catching up – that is until tomorrow noon when I depart for Provost, a trip to a Toastmasters Area Governors meeting + another opportunity for scoping out some countryside where my perfect weekend getaway might be lurking ..

last evening was spent on two things; preparing for today’s big meeting & spending time helping a friend see themselves by observing what anyone else can see – hard to capture either of these experiences in a handful of words

but these, I’ve read many times, capture it well:

‘Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.’ – unknown

or this one

‘Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.’ – Roberts Schuller

these are obvious truths we so easily avoid but the easily describe every success, every failure, every one of them, every time

don’t knock opportunity, or you’ll miss it when it knocks

knock knock


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