Sunday, September 17, 2006


Sunday Sept. 17, 2006 - Year 4, Day 180 - who took my tingle

0C/32F, overcast & windy, gloves the order of the day; one shaggy dog spotted (actually, the dog wasn’t spotted) looking like a mini Panda - maybe Gusta will stop summer shedding now as frost nearly nipped last night, or maybe she will start hanging with that shaggy guy (I could have gone for the shagging pun but please note I avoided it)

pondering hills & valleys of my mood; this week took me to a very very high high, it was way up there; then, absent adrenalin flow my body reacted with fatigue when the clock did not call for it, cold-like symptoms when I did not have one, with feeling down when there was no reason for it at all

someone asked the other day , ‘are you always up?’ – she meant my mood; yes I said, stretching the truth a little - I have sunny days, I have gloomy ones too; I meant what I said, I feel very up most of the time except on days when missing elements are very conspicuous by their absence

‘I wish I was tingling’, my Sunday morning lament

my veggie pasta soup (what single men make on Saturday when company is NOT coming) was to die for, we watched Patton on the tube & Gusta barked at his ugly dog; a wonderful evening considering my efforts to get a date last night proved faulty

or maybe I didn’t really make a serious stab at it early enough or at all, a telling tale I suppose that I have been half-hearted & a bit weary about my efforts in that area of late

autumn chill & hot soup do not equal summer’s warmth or someone’s warmth

warmth comes in many forms - if I had some this morning I’d still be tingling all over

it would have been so nice to wake up in the arms of someone warm & willing this morning; instead I woke tangled up in my left arm . . the tingling is gone now, but that early numbness seems to affect my mood this morning

my energy is often high, my mood usually follows; I wonder on this gloomy looking day what a difference it would make if I was somewhere sunny this morning; a Maui beach walk or brilliant sunrise just about anywhere would change my mood as would waking up with someone warm & willing . . . more than my arm would be tingling

brunch with my dad will cheer me today, catching up with a few folks in Edmonton tomorrow will warm me then

tingling & warmth, they both ebb & flow

always nice to have one of them, sad when they are both AWOL

make some warmth today, feel some tingle today – share it with somebody warm & willing if you can; if not, then wait for the tingling & warmth - they will return, they always do

when I find myself a little lost I often look up quotes by writers - for inspiration - hoping someone else has already captured what I struggle to describe:

‘Friends who are not writers try to be sympathetic and understanding of a writer's mood, but, truly, it takes one to know one.’ - Lynn Abbey

‘If you are a genius, you'll make your own rules, but if not - and the odds are against it - go to your desk no matter what your mood, face the icy challenge of the paper - write. ’ - J. B. Priestley

write I will Mr. Priestly, I think Ill put on some motivating invigorating percolating tunes

who took my tingle? I don't know, but the tingling seems to be coming back
warmth might take a few more days


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