Friday, September 08, 2006


Sept. 8 Comments re: just own them

Very inspiring musing today! VBL, Engelwood, Colorado
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Love the Russell quote - of course if one is prone to prejudge (and is prepared to "own" their decisions) that could also mean "we'll burn that bridge when we come to it!", KK, Calgary
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hi mark...been receiving your musings for sometime now, thank u for sharing, makes one realise u are not alone out there with all the stuff that goes on in one's head ....and life! ........will it be different this time?..........the more things change the more they stay the same ......the secret?.........look for the balance in what u can have, rather than what u can't ........the rule i live by ........, C, ?
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Came across this on one of my egghead financial sites: “A man who for an entire week does nothing but hit himself over the head has little reason to be proud.” – Stanislaw Lem Then I read today's Kolke, enjoying the dichotomous serendipity of my reading, appreciating personal impact and interpretation, musing on what makes me proud. A happy and relaxed Friday night, most of the fires damped, enjoying mutual coping skills, the fruits of experience. I like it a lot that everything's well on the homefront and it's easy, in spite of the difficulties. "New Shoes and Chicken Soup" might be the title of your next book. Both work. , VJP, Dewinton

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