Hi Mark - Like TL, I would like to thank BB for the Sept 1st comments. Over the past few days I've re-read the comments several times and thought about paths I've taken, and/or didn't take. I also forwarded them to a friend who is at a fork in his relationship. Perhaps it will give him another perspective. - NI, Calgary
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Your subject today rang a bell. I've been assessing my activities of the past year especially in regard to finding someone special and a little piece of advice keeps resonating...perhaps it will make a difference for you, perhaps it will simply annoy. Who knows? So to repeat the words of a friend "What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resluts." Good luck with that. CH, Chimacum
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Hello Mark, I just got back in town and was checking the mail and noticed that I have not received anything from you since Aug, 30th My e-mail is as before. Could you resend the musings and at the same time add JM to your list. She has been a very important friend to me for more than 40 years. We grew up together as her parents and my parents were best of friends and we have always remained close. Thanks. Her address is
XXXX@YYY.com I do not know if you have my home number so here it is: XXXX . I will give you a call next week to make plans for breakfast or coffee. Warm regards, JJ
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First, knock 'em dead with your proposals this week. Your attitude is winning. Currently dancing the hospital cha cha, I just read your last few musings. Your "new shoes" and "different this time" were poignant and inspiring for me. Thank you. Why do you want your lightning bug caught in a jar? Do you know what to feed it? VJP, Dewinton
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Forgot to say that I've bought face atomizer, bodywash, body cream, sinfully expensive shampoo and rinse, peppermint foot cream and decadent hand cream. Tomorrow, I'll arrive at the hospital with new shoes. It's so much the perfect gesture right now. Inspiring with memories of new shoes in September, always. Most inspiring to one daughter-shoe-maven. Though she usually is the one to correct my shoe foibles, there is a full moon and I'm sure I'll know the right and magical pair that she will work to be in. Thanks Mark., VJP
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Hi Mark, Life has been hectic so this is just a quick note to see how the proposal went, I'm assuming it all came together in the end and your hard work paid off. I also think I accidentally took myself off your mailing list for your musing as I didn't receive my fix for today. I un-subscribed to the newsletter you had sent me and my guess is the two were somehow connected. Let me know how I can fix it please. Take Care,
DJ, Calgary
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as trite as it sounds, experience tells me that those things always happen when we are least looking for them. I guess by having little or no expectation, we in fact open ourselves to the abundance of what might be, perhaps more open to new and as of yet un-experienced adventures. Look inward, relax, they say that if you act as if it has already happened, it will happen. Best of luck, SB, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:57 p.m.