Thursday, September 14, 2006


Sept. 14 Comments re: well ripened

I just love the quote about the ice cream! And, I'm curious ...does Gusta actually like the rain? Felix hates it ...I think we're going to have to buy him a rain jacket. I also got a kick out of MP's note about catching mistakes. I find myself doing that all the time when I read. They just seem to jump out at me. I was wondering what line of work MP is in that they would find that a "work-related hazard"? , SP, Calgary
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Good morning Mark, You are just an amazing man ! Thank you for remembering my birthday ! I'm trying to forget ...haha a well ripened 54, yikes, where did the time go?, CC, Calgary
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To meet only two Finn's in your lifetime (and they know each other to boot!) is rather sad; now you can add a third Finn to your acquaintances!, AK, Calgary

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