Hi Mark, Your comments about the media are so true, have you read Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent"? The NFB made a documentary of the book if you want the quicky version, EJJ, DeWinton
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I have to agree......Hanna is a hideous town, and probably because of town council sitting on their behinds. I too have to go there a few times a year to visit in-laws, and although I enjoy the company, I can't stand the town. It's shabby and run-down and looks somewhat like a ghost town now that half of the businesses on main street are closed. And no.... it doesn't have Nickleback. The boys from Hanna (not the band.... that was The Village Idiots) were smart enough to head west to a beautiful place, TA, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:37 p.m.