Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Tuesday Aug. 29, 2006 - Year 4, Day 161 - returning dinner guests

14C/57F, light overcast, steady breeze brings welcome cool; Gusta went nose to nose with a Scottie show-dog type to the chagrin of its snotty owner who barely grunted a ‘good morning’; it seems some folks cannot speak clearly when their nose is tilted so high or, maybe, it was because her prize male pooch took a licking from an in-heat visiting female

are we all acting on whim, reacting to an opportunity or, are we simply doing the obvious when an opportunity we have been waiting for shows up on our path, on our patio, in our office or in our bedroom?

exhausted from a long & fruitful day yesterday, I should have crashed early last night but could not turn off that great Andre Agissi 5 set marathon tennis match at the US Open; had I crashed early I would have missed the 2 deer nibbling my apple tree – again I was fawn-length from them on my patio

they are not without fear or ability to run away, but they explore with such youthful enthusiasm, drawn to light, drawn to things delicious

perhaps, instead of making plans for yummy meals when entertaining friends, I should say ‘come over later & nibble on my apples’

it seems to work for these deer

KL called me a ‘guy of a certain age’ yesterday referring to my ability to accomplish a lot of work on a smaller than average volume of sleep; he meant it as a good-humoured shot, but it got me thinking whether my ‘turn some things on their head’ approach is really unique to me or if it is just a typical stage for members of the Pepsi generation - reaching a ‘certain age’ & seeing things from different angles

understanding what drives people – starting with myself – is always intriguing; some people are driven by the thrill of the opportunity, the reaction ‘in the moment’ like the deer coming back for another taste of my apples, like Gusta licking the Scottie or me adventuring in business & in personal relationship adventures

here’s to preparation & experience & youthful sniffing around for opportunities, here’s to having some form of plan/expectation/goal & here’s to letting imagination take us in directions we never imagined

there will always be instinct, experience & somebody to tether us to reality when we flirt with danger, but first, lets roam around & explore

I think I pause more often these days to ponder - is this really what it appears to be or is it an illusion of some kind

is it real, is it worth it, can I win?

I pursue the delicious ones, every one, as though it might be THE ONE I’ve been waiting for, sometimes scared away early, sometimes tasting the fruit, sometimes gorging on it all

it seems to work for these deer


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