Thursday, August 24, 2006
Thursday Aug. 24, 2006 - Year 4, Day 156 - good ’ting
6C/43F, frost on the windshield being nibbled away by brilliant sunshine; our walk short & rugged as the motel I chose is out the back entry of the Millar Western pulp mill wood yard; perhaps my absence of a sense of smell is a good ’ting
my breakfast server asked if the reason I didn’t sleep was the trains going by in the middle of the night
I said ‘what trains?’
good ’ting I don’t have a long drive ahead of me this morning
my trip to High Level relates to a health care project – so thoughts of wellness & all things connected with it have been on my mind; good ’ting – a learning experience meeting the players, seeing the sites, the town, the problem so clearly will, I hope, help us find a winning combination to not only win the competition, but to create something which truly does enhance front line health care delivery in a truly unique community
‘A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illness.’ – Hippocrates
having a small bout of illness every now & then a humbling reminder of how little distance between wellness & non-wellness can be - good ’ting
yesterday I finished about 4pm in High Level; my debate then became ‘where to spend the night?’, knowing I had a noon meeting in Whitecourt today; I got to Peace River . . decided to press on, Valleyview offered spectacular scenery under a setting sun, Fox Creek provided a coyote sighting but every place was full . . so Whitecourt was THE choice; good ’ting because I was up half the night feeling really ill, so a slow easy start this morning suits me fine + I won’t be late for that meeting or for ones later in the day in Edmonton
I made it through moose country, twice now, but never saw a moose
I get to spend an easy morning in my room near porcelain while catching up on calls & emails; good ’ting
not feeling well, though improving hourly, I wonder the cause
was it the long day/long drive, too much air conditioning (car & hotel) or something I ate?
probably ALL of those
I’m feeling so much better as I remind myself I am not in Mexico eating salad & drinking water; good ’ting
I feel better already
gotta run (oops .. poor choice of words) – must work now!