I haven’t seen your “musing” today – too many other things to do?, SB, Calgary
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Hi Mark. Your musing today, seguing into your musers' responses to yesterday and a day past, caused introspection at several levels for me. I live gently, close to the wilds and wild things, find it so hauntingly lovely because I am allowed to share their simple beat for a time, maybe unconsciously give something of value. A canoeist, over time, learns to paddle their own, fishing and enjoying the wildlife and the scenery. Many canoe people have never spent time with other canoe people. Isn't that grand? And just imagine! They've never heard of Maslow and never had to analyze why they love their own j-stroke against the current, other than that it's soul satisfying. A canoe delivers a personal space, a moving environment, a personal stroke and a knowledge that you're in control, or not. It's a place where one learns to get his or her feet wet and to glory in being incommunicado, or not. It's a challenge for many and recognition of perfection for some. Which brings me to the Irish. I'm, myself, a bit of a cat lover and a lover of vegetables. Hea'en forbid that I go to my grave with certain people judgin'. God knows, I give them no means to. My cat-huntin' hound nuzzles the newest cat, 'thout prejudice. Maybe it's nurture, but even he might choose a succulent red pepper or a crispy carrot, over meaty fare. I think it's so neat that he likes vegetables. Still not sure if Mark has a sense of humour but, here goes. I'm a cat-lovin', dog-walkin', child-driven, mark-musin', smokin' lady! I'm not a bad golfer. It's like knowing how to ride a horse but not needing to. I like golfers like I like horses. There's a barn for creatures like that and someone has to pay for it., VJP, Dewinton
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Sorry to hear about the passing of the apple nibbler..., AK, Calgary
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Cheer up - it can only get better!, AK (a different AK), Calgary
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Mark, You are funny, warm & wonderful, and don't you ever forget that! That whole piece about the Globe killed me, I love it. I completely relate to those moments of frustration, in today's crazy busy life many of us are leading...15 mins is a long time! I know that I can always count on your musings for a laugh, sometimes a needed cry and mostly some introspective thoughts. I promise you I'm not alone. I can assure you there are many others out there that feel the same, there is no option, you don't get to not continue musing. Perspective is a funny thing isn't it? I adore what PF wrote today, about being an "oddball" or even "feeling like a real weirdo." I think many people feel like that at one point or another, I know I have. Putting yourself out there is scary, the whole rejection thing...Yuck! At the end of the day we are genetically put together to not be alone, that's why everyone continues looking for something, someone to connect with, on some level, somehow? My daughter's screen saver on the computer is boldly written with lots of awesome color and reads" They laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at them, because they are the same!" Kudos to the Oddballs, it keeps life interesting! CN, Okotoks
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Re: Globe . . Mark, hello? You should subscribe to the online version. Much greener, cleaner and happier demeanor. Yours with a smile, JD, Vancouver
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Hi – not sure what has been going on for you but reading the response this am caused me to wonder, as I have many times. I think your honesty may have offended someone but I am not sure…. . I read the title of a couple of books today… “spending a day with a stranger” and “having dinner with a stranger”. At least I think that was what they were titled and I thought of you and how open you are to engaging actually I believe it’s more actively seeking strangers to engage. All thought provoking for me. I am happy to be back in Red Deer …. The city is too noisy for me. I am sorry to hear about the deer. I am disturbed about our species encroaching on the wild life. We move into their territory and then we complain that a coyote eats a domestic cat left out at night. Keats bear is very happy with the blackberries this year…. Lots of bear scat in the back yard but no sightings. Also lots of island deer enjoying my property while I am in Red Deer … all good. Must run. Hope you are well. Cheers, DB, Red Deer
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Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, "Surely I can't look that old!" I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist when I noticed her diploma hanging on the wall. It bore her full name and I suddenly remembered a great looking gal with the same name. She had been in my high school class some 40-odd years before and I wondered if she could be the same gal. I had the hots for way back then?? When I got into the treatment room I quickly discarded any such thought. This heavy set gray-haired lady with the deeply lined face was much too old to have been my secret crush... or was she??? After she examined my teeth I asked her if she had attended Castle High School. "Yes, I did." she said, gleaming with pride. "When did you graduate?" I asked. "1959. Why do you ask?" she answered. "Well, you were in my class!" I exclaimed. Then that ugly, old wrinkled bitch asked, "What did you teach?", ND, Calgary
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Hi Mark......thanks for the note. Yea, it was nice seeing you again and catching up. Enjoy the rest of your summer and look me up from time to time when you're back this way. Take care, CD, Edmonton
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:55 p.m.