Hi Mark, I recently have found "home". I too was caught between cities and unsure of exactly where I belong. On a recent flight I was on, I had the opportunity to see "home" from the air. The jet flew over my home, over my neighbourhood, over the places that are dear to my heart. That's when this smile grew on my face and I finally realized that Edmonton is not only the place I live, but it is truly "home" and once I found that everything else all came together. I am no longer homeless!, SdeV, Edmonton
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As the old saying goes .....' Home is where the heart is ! ', CC, Calgary
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Hey Mark....I grew up in Edmonton, have lived in northern Alberta and British Columbia, Red Deer, Regina, Vancouver, Victoria, and subsequently relocated to Calgary in the late 70's. Stampede, summer festivals, the mountains, bicycle paths, the Bow and Elbow River, easy going people, no poisonous snakes, insects, or other critters. What a great city this is!!!! Thus, when it came to consider offers of promotions tied to corporate moves to Toronto, they were diplomatically rejected. Home is where your favorite activities and friends are. Albeit I enjoy a trip south in the winter and a summer holiday in the Balfour/Nelson area, Calgary is "home". Only pondering I do is whether or not to down scale the house in Calgary, then purchase a villa style condo and a small place in the Balfour/Nelson and split my time between the two locations. With blue tooth technology we can work anywhere.Cheers, RL, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:49 p.m.