Tuesday, August 15, 2006


August 15 Comments RE: maybe it is time we did

Hi – isn’t there an anthrax outbreak in Saskatchewan or did I dream that? I thought that was some kind of big scare in the States when people where mailing it to the government. Odd how TV and newspapers choose what things are important. As I was sprayed down yesterday, first with sunscreen and secondly with bug deterrent I couldn’t help but think … gee thanks I needed a good dose of cancer causing aerosol and chemicals or do I risk the West Nile and melanoma. What crazy choices we have to make every day. At least no one is bombing us for oil yet. I had a call last night from a friend who is waiting to see if the mass in his nonsmoking lung is cancerous, all I can think is that it a message to make some changes in his life because it can change in a minute. Enough of my twisted thoughts, DB, Red Deer
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Somehow I got on to your blog list and I read your musings most days. Some of your comments have had impact and some have not. Today’s musings are right on!, AK, Calgary
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Mark, I couldn't agree more, we see and hear it, filter it and promptly go on with our lives, because it doesn't really touch us. Cement shortages, contractor shortages, these supposedly touch us in a big way, but we can still leave at the end of the day, go out for a nice dinner and return home to our warm, clean, safe beds at the end of it all. What's the solution? We all have skills that we can share with others, perhaps we should make it our personal goal to personally spend time, getting our hands a little soiled helping others at least once every year. Take a one week vacation to work at a homeless shelter, perhaps a drug or alcohol rehab centre here or elsewhere in the world. Trust me, it gives one a deeper insight into how truly lucky we have it, SB, ?

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