Wednesday, June 21, 2006


June 21 Responses

Thanks Mark.....I don't always find the time to read your musings but I did today and it touched me. I'll pass on the touches and hugs and the smile in my voice......Great way to start a new summer season., MP, Calgary
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It takes a courageous man - or woman for that matter-- to touch people deeply. Even if you think you don't intend to, I believe the deep touch can only happen by intention. To acknowledge the depths of a person in the simplest of ways, as you describe, takes a willingness to know they are really there. People hunger for that acknowledgement and usually let it in. I commend you. Thank you for writing. Suddenly you remind me of someone--Keith Ferrazzi. Check him out at Click through to the blog. You'll like this guy, and his book. CS Maine
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Mark, This touch is for you. Thanks for the daily musings. SA and I will celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary tomorrow – she tells me she hooked me longer ago than that. As I said at the reception “ And you think yesterday was the longest day”. As your book title will say one day and as your daily musings go forth every day “ It is About You ……. Sweetheart. “, DA, Edmonton
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Mark, I will share some advice from Virginia Satir, writer and family therapist - "We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth." When you consider how many there are living in isolation and despair - we are indeed fortunate to be able to anticipate a touch....EC, Calgary
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Hi Mark! I saw you on the news last night! It's so hard to imagine the same person talking about property and writing all this - everyday no less, and so eloquently. It will be good to meet you - perhaps clear up the mystery. Happy Summer, all! LS, Calgary
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we touched today and it felt good.. at the behest of my principal I was asked to plan and coordinate our schools Aboriginal Day events; we listened to O Canada sung by a young Cree woman who's voice captures your heart - ate "Indian Taco's" for lunch. Made bracelets, necklaces, key chains and beautiful painted feathers. Then as the sun shone we took "our children" out to Mother Earth - three legged races, tug of war - smiles, laughter so loud that the eagles came and circled overhead - a round dance to end the day - we touched today and it felt good, SN, St. Paul
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I don't know much,,, and I haven't replied for a while,,, in reply to Monday's choking up,,, my friends and I call it a surge in hormones or a lack thereof welcome to the world of we can do whatever we want when our experience allows us to emote. ( Or shall I call it manopause? ) I know you're doing well Mark cuz I read your musings daily,, hope you continue to do well,,, call if you'll be thru Kelowna this summer,, ,bring your clubs , I guess that goes without saying,, ttys, TA, Kelowna

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