Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Tuesday May 9, 2006 - Year 4, Day 50 – BHAG wrestling
I have a few BHAG’s on my wish list
multiple-postponements concluded at Oh Canada, lunch with DK – our BHAG discussion evolves; massaging those details requires clear thought
the BHAG - big hairy audacious goal - worth sipping a little more coffee, more key strokes needed, details to be figured out; massaging, caressing an idea whose time is right becomes an action plan becomes an exit strategy for retiring apartment owners becomes a business becomes a step of a journey becomes a ______ ?
. . not sure yet where it will go
will it be a worthy BHAG, or just another real estate syndication investment vehicle ?
easy to do something good, easy to do something better, really hard to be a great BHAG !
what does clarity spring from ? will I find it sipping coffee on my patio ?
as traffic rushes by can I find the calm, find the quiet, find the solution . . . . ?
my calm is broken by machinery
I listen & watch the site across the road; once a farm, now scrapers skim soil constructing in a few days a massive pile, a stockpile landscape contractors will deplete 1 truckload at a time over the next few years
rich topsoil, millions of years in the making, once farmer’s raw material, now a commodity piled for sale by a developer with what he thinks is a BHAG; it’s not . . it’s just a subdivision, nothing new, nothing thoughtful, nothing all that creative . . it’s just a subdivision
interesting transformation though; a farmer’s retirement exit strategy becomes a developer’s input cost becomes a neighbourhood becomes a place where kids learn to ride a bike & play road hockey
some days keystrokes fly off my fingertips . . some days a slower softer caressing keys to massage word structure
to get it ‘just right’ first requires clear thought
work will wait a bit . . . but not long