Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Tuesday May 30, 2006 - Year 4, Day 71 - walk new trails

8C/46F, sunny warm ahead; rain overflow has filled the lagoon to the delight of mini-squadrons of activity seeking immature geese who have not settled into a family making relationship for the summer; Gusta went slow, respectfully, as her owner strolled deep in thought, distracted for a short while from the beautiful day unfolding

quiet, just me & my dog – return to usual

the planet has been fully explored, but every time we connect with someone new we have that opportunity to explore, to adventure, to create – or not – a new channel, a new tributary in our river of life or find that the trail does not lead anywhere we wish to go like venturing into a jungle knowing some rivers flow, some dry up, some bring flourishing growth, some are just a side-trip

every time I take a little side-trip, make a call, take a call, drive a different route I have two choices – eyes wide open, ears wide open, mind wide open is one of them; the other would be to let the opportunities pass by, let the people I might meet pass by to teach others, to let someone else taste their uniqueness

each course, each fork in the road brings risk of a different kind, unique to the day it shows up

I can risk doing & experiencing - whatever the outcome, without knowing the outcome, without having a clue about outcome, without sense of obligation to anyone but myself to be true to myself

or, I can risk being a bystander in my own life; an option I will never choose

never, not ever

walk new trails, make new trails

exploring matters, preconceived destinations rarely do


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