Thursday, May 11, 2006


Thursday May 11,2006 - Year 4, Day 52 – every now & then

0C/32F, hazy breezy nippy, the park tranquil, welcoming, calm; nearly impossible to see dead trunks now that spring foliage filled out, visions of playing with that elusive rabbit distracted Gusta (a.k.a. the pulling machine) while my distractions were a mix of a ‘challenging client situation yesterday’ mitigated by apple Danish @ Fairmont end of a Maui beach walk memories (now 10 days since my last & I am still suffering withdrawal) . .

every now & then we have birthdays - KW has a little one today - hope you are well

every now & then - I know it is happening, as if I am sitting up in the corner of the room looking down at myself observing it happening . .

every now & then distractions & diversions & distress appear on my horizon – not pervasively, but about something

every now & then it can be a peculiar conversation, a deal gone sideways, or an idea balloon that gets deflated . . . not bigger than a pimple on the south end of a northbound elephant

every now & then, these little things make me stop for a ‘whoa . . what was that ?’ moment or two to reflect

every now & then I wonder, are these avoidance tools, coping tools or ‘good mental health’ tools – or are they signs I have some work to do ? . . maybe both !

these are not significant in the long run – but when they happen, I know I notice them more clearly & less often than I remember in the past; I would like to think that is a good sign

‘When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.’ – Confucius

Confucius was pretty smart . . understanding the complexities of modern live, complexities of business, complexities of 21st century human interaction . . pretty good for a guy who lived 551-479 BC

every now & then we do something that changes the pace at Singles and Friends Toastmasters; last night our club & 2 other groups joined SAITSayers to celebrate their 10th anniversary; I came away feeling these people are pretty dry & conservative compared to our club – or maybe not – maybe it was just the different dynamics of how it was organized ? as often happens, our laughter filled ‘post-meeting-meeting’ of speech topics & language nuances defy propriety in an otherwise quiet eating/drinking establishment with way too many references to ‘ BINGO’ [well, I guess you had to be there] . .

every now & then Gusta will be at my feet, asleep [as she is right now], having some sort of ‘nightmare’ making weird noises; this morning she is very animated & noisy . . a ‘night-rabbit’ perhaps

every now & then it is REALLY nice to get notes like I got yesterday: special thanks to those 9 who wrote - 9 notes taken collectively or individually that warmed me up pretty well

every now & then it seems the quality of discussion & commentary rises

9 of you rose to the occasion yesterday, I thank you . . & if he were here Confucius would thank you too


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