Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday May 7, 2006 - Year 4, Day 48 – fertilizer required
Sedaka concert last night cancelled/potponed due to performer illness; SC & I had a good time anyway that included lots of good chat & my second viewing of Burt Munro’s odyssey ‘The World’s Fastest Indian’
I’ve been so fortunate; I don’t work out as regularly as I should, don’t eat a great diet [my idea of fruits & grains for breakfast is 2 pieces of apple pie], have lived a life that has been pretty lucky in terms of life, limb & health . . some risks taken, but for the most part they have not been extraordinary ones either physically or psychologically – though marriage # 2 really was bizarre – so that I find myself wondering . . . why me ?
‘don’t sweat the small stuff’, as cliché as ‘would you like fries with that?’; but what about people for whom small stuff is REALLY big stuff ?
why me ? why am I well ? why is someone else not ?
why am I leading a relatively trouble free life ?
what did I do to deserve this ?
I take much of what I do for granted; not thinking of getting dressed, getting across town or getting UP for anything particularly difficult or exhausting
if getting by easily was based on living a life of god fearing purity, surely I would be at the very sad & lonely end of the hope line . .
does anyone have a better right of passage to get through life disease free, difficulty free, disability free, trouble free ?
if yes, then where do we sign up ?
if no, then what determines who gets an easy ride ?
why me ?
oh never mind . . it doesn’t matter why
what matters for me is what I do with what I got
I want to live like a Burt Munro
to TP: your note yesterday prompts me to respond – my end of the belief spectrum holds that life on earth is all that we have; recognizing I might be wrong about that [even if I was on the other end of the spectrum with expectations of extraordinary afterlife], I cannot imagine relaxing about applying myself daily, cannot imagine going about my business as if THIS life is just a warm-up act for the real concert
I try to extract the fullest experience I can every day, not because it might be my last, but because I can
. . because it deserves the doing, because we all deserve the getting that comes from that
anyone got a lemon tree in need of fertilizer ?