Perhaps Mark what you are seeking is, in the words of Sue Monk Kidd, “ the beautiful enduring.” They are good words… beautiful enduring. I think that this is the essence of a lasting relationship. Beautiful… 1.Pleasing to the senses 2. excellent Enduring…1. persisting or surviving 2. Long suffering. It captures what I see in long lasting relationships. They continue to see beauty and excellence in each other in any and all circumstances. I think it is both awe-inspiring and frightening. It requires a deep level of commitment to continue to grow personally and give unstintingly to the others’ growth. I think the capacity for “the beautiful enduring” is relatively rare. It’s a generosity of spirit; a willingness to trust (and to be deeply hurt) and the ability to forgive, that seem to be the essence of the forever love. It is the ability to give over to what (or whom) we love. I think I had that once. Perhaps that was my lifetime supply. I hope not… So not a catch phrase. Perhaps an eloquent summary of heart’s longing… Now on a completely different note; My weekend is ok. Bought a great new bike and I’m off to test drive it around the neighborhood. I’ve been working on my own writing project which I find both exhilarating and exhausting., SB, Calgary
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like the new format!!! , AS, Oklahoma City
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And I remember when you didn't get the whole hug thing. Bon appetit! Your musing was sweet, VP, Dewinton
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Hi Mark, First, your new format for Musings is great. It adds class to some classy thinking! Second, I am often compelled to reply to your daily musings as so many are truly thought provoking – but time pressures and “scheduling” of work and other commitments usually serve to restrain my reply urges. Third, today, being the Victoria Day holiday, I am freed up from the usual demands. (To be sure, there are others – like my dear wife beckoning with a hot cup of coffee, and the garden gloves and equipment – but I can resist without fear of being “fired” today. Yahoo!) Now, here is a reply to yesterday’s Musing. Mark, I believe that some primal urge is growing within you to “nest” again, based on your comments about serious relationships. I feel that your inner self will push you to seek out a “mate” (I prefer that term to “significant other”, etcetera, to describe serious relationships). The inner “push” should be allowed to direct you, because it may already have targeted a suitable subject. Go for it, as you only have time to loose if you don’t follow that inner sense. Be spontaneous and be impulsive. You often say in your musings to “make the leap” for change. You are so right when you say that. After a first marriage that was a “disaster”, I met my present wife, under rather unusual circumstances; and, following my inner urge to be outrageously bold and to seize the moment produced amazing and thoroughly rewarding results. We were married over 32 years ago, and I would do it again “in a heartbeat”. If I had been timid, or listened to my “logical self”, I would surely have missed out on the best relationship that has ever happened to me. So, if you are wondering about being ready for a serious relationship, you probably are – or that thought wouldn’t have been given space in your thinking, musing times. All the best, and enjoy the Victoria Day holiday. May you soon be setting off your own special “fireworks”. JN, Newmarket, Ontario
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 3:56 p.m.