We've only met once, briefly, and we exchanged business cards. That led to my being added to MUSINGS. I'm lucky. Dropping out of the rat race, even for a moment of sweet silence, listening to the sounds of silence, drinking in the karmaof friends, however distant, is what life should be; could be; can be...if one wants it bad enough. Your way is through musings. and those who pay attention to life, rather than work, work, work are appreciative. I'm watching a Robin draw food from my front yard, for the chicks, as I write. Then off to work till noon. Golf with a close buddy this afternoon then barbecue with the woman who puts up with me daily ..... for 36 years. A day of mental "hooky". A great day!!, Cheers, DD, Calgary
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Mark: I am not sure how I got on your list but I do know exactly where you are coming from in doing this. For years I wanted to start a free newspaper that I wanted to call "Since You Asked" and on one side it was going to be titled "Here's what I think" and on the other side "Here's what you think". My idea was a lot like yours in that I just wanted to put down my own thoughts on the good and the questionable things that happen each day and then hear how others felt about similar topics. Anyway, I never did it and you did, so well done. I probably delete the majority of your "musings" but I do read them often enough to enjoy them. Interesting process and interesting what computers have done for communication. Incredible day in Calgary......, GB, Calgary
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HI Mark - Your Calgary today sounds like the kinds of day to go to bed with a good book or a friend who has read one., KC, Edmonton
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Hi Mark, I was in Central America for a month and your musings kept me connected to home. When I got a chance to check my email I always knew what the weather was in Calgary. CL, ChestermereSometimes I delete them, sometimes I glance quickly through sometimes I read them in detail. But don't stop doing them. Gems are found when needed. As for a pounding rain, the beauty and strength of nature is awesome and wondrous to behold. As for a cruel blizzard, having heat and shelter(just being out of the wind) becomes a source of simple contentment. And a gloomy day provides the contrast to really enjoy and appreciate a clear blue sky, the lapping of water on the shore and the simple companionship of a friend, four legged or not, GW, Athabasca
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Mark: This morning's musing (Servant of process) was fascinating because you actually gave your readers your own "recipe" for what you do with the daily blog. This kind of honest disclousure is what hooks me. Good or bad, you share your inspirations and disappointments on a daily basis. Also, I really enjoyed the musings from Maui. It was like a vicarious tropical breeze every morning, just reading your thoughts. Thanks for your efforts!, KE, Calgary
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Hi Mark, while not a perfect atmosphere to achieve greatness there is something to be said for curling up under an afghan on a dark stormy night with the sound of thunder and the vision of fork lightning lighting up the sky, the sound of the wood fireplace crackling like popcorn. It can scary and harmonious at the same time....yes, a good storm may inspire and be therapeutic as well if one doesn't resort to hiding under the bed....ahhh...childhood memories...JP Vancouver
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Hey Mark, I just wanted to drop you a quick line and again pass on my encouragement and praise for your daily musing. They are a moment of calming to me wish I would have read yesterday before losing my cool. Oh well we all have to blow off some steam! Mark I also wanted to see if you could give a couple of my charities a plug in your weekly Facilities Column? Mark keep up the great musing and I wish you every success you require., FE, Calgary
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I definitely enjoy your musings. They provide some clear (or not so clear) questions about life in general. Maybe I will have something smart to say about some of your topics as I get more comfortable. You never know, you might be surprised., DJ, Calgary
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 10:46 a.m.