Friday, May 26, 2006


Friday May 26, 2006 - Year 4, Day 67 – more or less

6C/43F, raining [on-line forecast still says ‘chance of showers’ – they should look outside], in fact it has been raining all night more or less; golden retriever heritage is a mix that included an old breed called a water spaniel, so Gusta comes by her love of the rain honestly; surely my Vancouver guest is the cause of all the wetness

I am curious, always, when people intrigue me; I ponder why they do

often there is so little information, yet there is a reaction, more or less; it can be a glance across a crowded room, an e-mail exchange, a call; it can be in the dating & mating world, in organizational work, volunteering, business, an encounter in a store line-up, meeting neighbours or in general social situations

someone can spend 5 minutes giving good phone & I cannot wait to meet them; others make me want to run the other way without ever meeting them – why is that ? how can one person I scarcely know intrigue me while another generates no interest at all ?

some people turn me off immediately, some interest a little, while others turn my head; sometimes I feel I know right away - clear immediate interest or voicing a firm 'NEXT' has often been my method, more or less

dogs are smarter than us, perhaps in a few years we will learn from them

or at least I will learn from mine; maybe I should start taking her to speed-dating events & business meetings & conferences, getting her to sniff out the good people, bark at the bad & pee on the shoes of sneaky scoundrels

maybe, we humans are in some way evolved from water spaniels too; dogs use instincts & a nose to determine worthiness pretty effectively

dog reactions are immediate, dramatic & unwavering; they suck up for heavy petting, or just hang around with an ‘OK, you will do’ acknowledgement; shunning or biting, smitten or bitten – they more or less know right away

with expectations & anxiety well in hand intrepid JP arrived yesterday bearing gifts & bringing rain from the wet-coast; Gusta likes her just fine, sucking up for heavy petting at every opportunity

wanting to get acquainted is a 5 minute decision, getting acquainted is another matter – that takes 5 days, more or less

scooting to Banff today may not be a good idea – something about absence of sunshine; maybe tomorrow would be better

a short frenetic work day morning awaits – more or less


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