Like yourself Mark, I prefer to believe Einstein was simply so immersed in his own contemplations and discoveries that he appeared eccentric or distant to others - I confess I am no Einstein, however in a past career of gold-smithing I can distinctly remember being so immersed in a project or design that I have worked through the night only to realize the sun was coming up before I finally succumbed to going to bed to sleep - It would not surprise me to find that many artists have done the very same thing as they write a piece of music or paint a canvas - Is it the love of a creation of an idea or the love of the challenge - I don't know, but it is truly all consuming as if nothing else in the world exists - perhaps that's a key to the whole concept of falling in love with someone - it consumes you -SS, Calgary
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Mark, Limit yourself to only one or two "Perry Como" workouts per week., BB, Vancouver PS a "Perry Como" is ....... steam/jacuzzi/steam/Jacuzzi
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I didn't know that being able to concentrate on one thing through to the finish was considered a disease. I would call it discipline! But it's called a disease? Go figure. I would also call it being able to 'focus' or even being 'gifted.' Just like doing many things at once is called 'multitasking.' Some people can go to a party and hold a conversation and listen to three or more different ones without losing concentration in all of them. Ok, that one could be considered 'nosey.' If I'm in a noisy environment, it takes great concentration to filter or block it out in order for me to tune my guitar. But it's called Asperger if it comes naturally? We got our rain. I guess I just had to send it out to the universe. It was light and steady, I even enjoyed a walk in it at 9:30 last night. The strong wind woke me up at five this morning. Thank you everyone for listening. Now, how about that snow????, ALP hd
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Mark, today is my 45th birthday, and a declared possible mid-point for me and mylife. Your words were gifts to me in the darkness of a certain diminishing of my experience of myself. Thank you for the gift of sharing life that you are, that your gift would inspire the flames to rekindle my own spirit. VJP
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I live in San Diego; Pt. Loma, actually, if you know where that is. I've lived in San Diego my entire life, and love it. I look like a TV version San Diego blonde, with an "I have to save the world" attitude -- kinda puts people off because I'm don't act like their idea of what I should be like. Who I am is a person committed to making a difference in the world. I train people around the world in being of service and being generous at the level of community. Where that doesn't work is I often forget that I am a community myself, and forget to ensure that I am being served and allowcontribution, and often find myself spent and resentful. I am my own source of frustration. Every time I find myself to be out of sorts, I realize I have blocked contribution and acknowledgment and thus rob the world of generosity and service. I know, though, to communicate my frustration and allow my various people to tell me to stop being a martyr. I forget to be human, you know? I have no idea how I got on your distribution list, but each morning I get your message and feel connected to another world. I don't always read what's going on for you, but I do scan and see what might be of interest. I find it fascinating that someone would freely share their musings. What's it like for you to get the feedback that you do? Thanks for inquiring into my life. , VJP, San Diego
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Hi Mark. Yes, extremely treacherous out there! And the new snow is covering the icy sidewalks. It's interesting - I've become more attuned lately to the connections I make - and I find it fascinating that the energy (positive/negative) between two people can often be felt. When the energy is positive, it is like a re-kindling of the spirit. It's hard to describe, but it's real. Imagine if we could be the source of a re-kindling in all those that we meet. Cheers, L.S., Calgary
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Hello Mark from JJ in the Lower Keys. You mention a big Dump of snow forecasted. The kids just said to us that the forecast was warming up and that their was to be no more snow. It would be good if Mother Nature got it out of her system while we arestill here. It is beautiful down here with a continuing awareness of how VERY LITTLEour American neighbors know about those people or the county North of them. Some are hard pressed to know - - -I will not go there. All the very best, JJ, Calgary via Florida
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why do we insist on calling things and people we don't understand DISEASED or DISORDERED??? That's just an excuse for our not being responsible for our own -( and for all the others around us's) fuller growth. it's a full stop on the adventurous path called Life, to label, then often to dismiss, some beautiful Gift, if we only seek it's truer meaning and value and purpose. I was 'cursed' with the label of '2nd percentile genious IQ, 'all really smart people write illegibly', yada yada ad nauseum. Thank God 'they' hadn't invented ADD/ADHD yet. oh...almost forgot... i'm 'dednah tfel' tooo meybe slightly bi55lexic, oops... Disslesic ...diselectsic...whatever.. love ur show...thx, bEs in Calagry...oops:)
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 11:11 a.m.