Monday, February 27, 2006


February 26 Responses

Hello, Mark, Longing for some place warm? Trees yearning for spring breezes? I'll share this with you. I survived my birthday on Saturday, eardrums none the worse for ware: my husbands drums (what fun!) were the entertainment for a small family gathering. Good food, drink and good conversation, too. Our plum tree has some beautiful white blossoms on it come this morning. I squealed at my husband about the blossoms and he said 'I know, they popped open on Saturday morning. I think that's something for the record books out here. A sight for eyes yearning for signs of 'green' plant-life: white plum blossoms will do just fine. I don't think we had much of a winter. Dry for sure. Rain is forcasted for Monday, maybe in L.A. Some parts of Palmdale got some snow last weekend, but not my part of the desert. *sigh* your daily stories and I guess a drive to the local mountains will have to do. I do hope you have shoes that have good ice grip. Gusta must be getting big. Take care. ALP hd

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